American Legion Post 125 hosts annual Veterans Day dinner in Eads
The annual dinner of American Legion Post #125 was held November 11 at the Kiowa County Community Building in Eads. Commander Dan Richards opened the evening with the Pledge of Allegiance, followed by a moment of silence for three of Kiowa County’s veterans who have passed this year, L. D. Nelson, Denis Weber, and Pete West. All of them will be deeply missed.
Doris Lessenden honored the group with the invocation, followed by a wonderful meal prepared by JJ’s Restaurant. Jennifer and her crew always do and outstanding job, and served 75 meals.
The minutes of the previous meeting and the financial statements were presented and approved.
The guest speaker was Bradley Roe. Roe is the Veteran Outreach Coordinator for the Arkansas Valley. He spoke about his new position, and left valuable information on how to get assistance.
Cindy McLoud gave and update on the challenges that she is having with the grant for the American Legion Hall.
The Haswell chapter of Quilts of Valor were present to honor three Kiowa County Veterans with quilts. Carole Spady and Michelle Nelson presented the quilts to Darul Frederick, Howard Robertson, and Joe Shields. The quilts were made by the Haswell Chapter.
The annual election of officers was conducted, followed by the adjournment.