
Arkansas Valley Research Center Field Day September 8
Windmill and stock tank in Elbert County, Colorado. © Chris Sorensen /
The Arkansas Valley Research Center at Rocky Ford will hold its Biennial Agricultural Field Day, Thursday, September 8 at 3:30pm.
There will be a wagon tour of selected research plots followed by a picnic supper.
The tour will include the following discussion leaders
- Adam Heuberger, CSU, Dept of Horticulture and L.A.
- Kevin Tanabe, CSU-AVRC, Agronomic Research
- Mike Bartolo, CSU-AVRC, Vegetable Crop Research
- Whitney Cranshaw, CSU Entomologist
You are welcome to visit any area of the Center before or after the regular tour. The various trials will be marked for viewing.
The Research Center is located one mile east of Rocky Ford on Hwy 50 and south 1/4 mile on County Road 21.
Contact Mike Bartolo at (719) 254-6312 for more information.