Cheyenne Mountain State Park Hosts Third Annual Photo Contest
Among the wide variety of bugs inhabiting Colorado, the folks at Cheyenne Mountain State Park are collecting a very special specimen: shutterbugs.
Amateur and professional photographers are invited to compete in two age groups: adult and youth, 14 and younger.
The contest seeks submissions in three categories: Landscape, Native Wildlife , Native Flowers, Insects and Birds as well as a youth category for kids under 14 years of age. There will be an adult winner chosen in each category and one youth winner. Photos must have been taken within the last 12 months.
The deadline to enter a photo is 5 p.m., May 11. Photo submissions must be dropped at the park visitor center or mailed to 410 JL Ranch Heights, Colorado Springs, Colo., 80926. The winning entries will be displayed in our visitor center May 16-31.
For more information, please stop by the visitor center for rules and entry forms, visit cpw.state.co.us/placestogo/Parks/cheyennemountain or call 719-576-2016.
Photo courtesy Colorado Parks and Wildlife - Last year's winning entry by Dan Scott.