Colorado Dairy Farm Tours for the Whole Family
The weather’s heating up, which means it’s time for some outdoor family fun. If you’re tired of the same old pools and parks, add a Colorado dairy farm tour to your list of summer activities. It’s educational, hands-on, and delicious—there’s no better way to spend a sunny day.
Jumpin’ Good Goat Dairy
You’ll jump for joy when you look around Jumpin’ Good Goat Dairy. Dawn Jump, who founded the farm in 2002, aspired to “combine her love for goats and cheese-making while bringing sustainable food to her local community.” Jump has achieved all that and more with her dairy farm and creamery. Chock full of education and up-close fun, the farm’s tours will give you a firsthand look at all the work that goes into running a dairy farm. Over the course of approximately an hour, you can step into the boots of a dairy farmer and learn about sustainable agriculture and the history and vision of Jumpin’ Good Goat Dairy. Perfect for children of all ages, participants will even get the chance to meet the gentle momma goats—not to mention their adorable kids.
Morning Fresh Dairy Farm
A fifth-generation family-owned dairy farm and a producer of Noosa Yoghurt, Morning Fresh Dairy Farm is known worldwide for its passion for and knowledge of dairy production. Their farm tours will provide insight into the moving parts that go into running a booming dairy farm. Learn about how local farming impacts the community and meet the cows that produce their dairy products. To get a feel for the day-to-day activities, you can even visit Poudre Canyon, the countryside where the cows reside.
Mountain Flower Goat Dairy
Education is at the heart of Mountain Flower Goat Dairy’s mission, something that’s apparent on their Colorado dairy farm tour. Their tours feature several hands-on activities, including bottle-feeding goat kids and teaching them to walk. You can even get a firsthand look at their processes by giving goat milking a try. Best of all, you’ll leave with a whole host of new information on what goes into dairy farming. For an interactive tour that will keep you entertained, Mountain Flower Goat Dairy has got you covered.