Colorado parents face September 30 deadline to help fund school meals
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(Colorado News Connection) Colorado students will not go hungry this school year, thanks to the Healthy School Meals for All initiative approved by voters in 2022.
Their parents will need to fill out some paperwork to tap critical federal dollars to help pay for the popular program.
Laura Segura, a community council member of Hunger Free Colorado and a parent, urged parents to complete their child's school benefits form no later than September 30.

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"We need to fill out those forms, no matter what," Segura stressed. "If the parents don't do their job, which is to advocate for their kid's needs, who else is going to do that?"
The one-page application goes by many names depending on the school district: school, meal, community or educational benefits. Segura emphasized if parents and caregivers have not already received the form by mail, they should contact their child's school.
Filling out the form helps bring federal taxes already paid by Coloradans back to the state to help pay for school meals. It also helps families and schools get Summer EBT benefits, get discounts on school fees and activities and other community benefits.
School districts have until September 16 to officially opt into the meal program and most of the state's largest districts are already on board. Segura noted investing in children's nutrition pays significant dividends in their health, academic success and lifetime earning potential. She added it is much harder to stay focused in the classroom on an empty stomach.
"If the kids don't have what they need, they are going to suffer mentally, emotionally and physically," Segura asserted. "Most importantly, they are not going to be focused on their academics."
A recent poll found 70 percent of Republicans, 79 percent of independents and 91 percent of Democrats support Healthy School Meals for All, which is paid for by Coloradans earning $300,000 or more per year.
Since its launch, participation in school breakfasts has grown by 36 percent, and lunch participation is up by 31 percent.