Colorado Parks and Wildlife Commission Votes for Predator Management Studies
The Colorado Parks and Wildlife Commission has announced in an unanimous vote Wednesday that it will move forward on the Piceance Basin and Upper Arkansas River Predator Control Plans.
Culminating a process that began in September 2015, the decision was made following public comment and discussion at the Commission’s December meeting in Fort Collins.
"Colorado Parks and Wildlife appreciates the input and opinions of all who provided responses to these proposed studies and appreciates the exchange of ideas throughout this process," said CPW's Assistant Director of Policy and Planning Jeff Ver Steeg. "It is very clear that people are passionate about this issue and it was helpful hearing from both sides."
Ver Steeg added that CPW researchers and managers will continue a science-based approach to learn more about the complex systems influencing wildlife in Colorado. The proposed studies are one part of the seven actions identified in CPW’s West Slope Mule Deer Strategy.
Supporting information from the meeting relating to this decision can be found on the CPW website and more detail on the West Slope Mule Deer Strategy is available at http://cpw.state.co.us/muledeer.
"CPW takes its responsibility to ethically manage wildlife in public trust very seriously," said Ver Steeg. CPW considered thousands of comments and held public meetings over the fall in order to hear feedback on these proposed research studies.
The commission meets regularly and travels to communities around the state to facilitate public participation. Anyone can listen to commission meetings through the CPW website. This opportunity keeps constituents informed about the development of regulations and how the commission works with Parks and Wildlife staff to manage the parks, wildlife and outdoor recreation programs administered by the agency. Find out more about the commission at the CPW website.
The next commission meeting will take place Jan. 11 and 12 in Denver.