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Deadline near for AARP Colorado 2024 Planning Academy

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Eric Galatas

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(Colorado News Connection) AARP Colorado is encouraging residents, including those age 50 and older, to sign up for its free 2024 Planning Academy.

Marissa Volpe, associate state director of livable and diverse communities for the group, said the academy will show participants how public policies are made and give them the tools they need to make communities even better for people of all ages to live, work and play.

"It's pretty expansive," Volpe acknowledged. "We're talking everything from 'Can I afford where I live, can I get to where I need to go, can I stay in my community, can I have access to quality health care?'" Volpe outlined.

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Part of AARP's national Livable Communities initiative, the academy will focus on key policies that can be implemented at state, regional and local levels. There will be a total of eight sessions, all conducted virtually, starting Oct. 1. The deadline to apply is Aug. 8.

Participants will examine pilot programs at work in places like Denver that have been successful at reducing social isolation and improving pedestrian safety. A big emphasis will be on so-called smart growth policies linking affordable housing with transportation options, making it easier for people to get to key appointments and other services.

"The idea is to create that housing near transportation that feels accessible," Volpe explained. "That feels reliable and safe for older adults; that has good lighting."

While there are no requirements for academy participants to join local boards or committees, Volpe noted she hopes people will find a way to use what they learn and become more engaged in improving communities.

"A major part of healthy aging is maintaining a purpose, why to get up every morning," Volpe emphasized. "This work lends itself to that, it lends itself to really making a difference."