Democratic Party Hosting Precinct Caucus, County Assembly, and County Convention Virtual Meetings
March 7, 2024 at 5:30 p.m., the Congressional District 4 Democrats invite all Registered Democrats to the Kiowa County Precinct Caucus, Assembly, and Convention meetings online. Register ahead of time at bit.ly/Kiowa2024
Precinct Caucus
Each precinct elects two Precinct Organizers who are responsible for connecting with voters within their specific precinct. These Organizers receive training from the County Party to effectively canvas their precinct, which involves activities like distributing Party or candidate literature, phone banking, sending texts, and organizing house parties for candidates.
The Precinct Caucus is also where the selection of Election Judges and Poll Watchers occurs. Election Judges are temporary workers for the County Clerk and Recorder's Election Office responsible for processing, validating, and tabulating votes. The County Clerk receives lists of Election Judges from both major political parties to ensure there is enough staff for ballot processing. Poll Watchers are recruited to act as representatives for the Party during elections. They must undergo training and certification from the Colorado Secretary of State's office and the Colorado Democratic Party before they are permitted to monitor Voting Service Centers.
County Assembly
County Assembly is the venue where candidates secure their spot on the June Primary Ballot. This year, one County Commissioner seat is up for election, District 3. The Assembly process allows for Democrats to identify candidates in Kiowa County for the primary ballot June 25, 2024.
The County Assembly also elects Delegates to the House District 63, Judicial District 15, Congressional District 4, and the State Assemblies.
County Convention
The County Convention occurs every four years during a Presidential Election. And serves as the platform for electing Delegates to the Congressional District 4 and State Conventions. During the CD4 Convention, Democrats will elect one member to Colorado's Electoral College Delegation and select Delegates to the Democratic National Convention taking place from August 19-22 in Chicago.
At the State Convention, Democrats will elect the remaining DNC Delegates allocated to Colorado, as well as select members for the Democratic National Committee. Finally, two of the 10 Electoral College members will also be chosen at the State Convention.
For more information on the Kiowa County Democrats, visit https://cd4demsco.org/kiowa