Eads School Spectator Attendance Expectations
We are asking for your cooperation in following ALL expectations from the state health department so our students can participate in football this fall and basketball, wrestling, volleyball, baseball, and track this spring.
If you are unable or unwilling to meet ALL of these expectations, for whatever reason, please do not attend. Entry will be denied and/or removal from premises may occur for failure to meet ALL expectations.
1. Face coverings are REQUIRED FOR EVERYONE age 11 and older at ALL TIMES
a. Please provide your own face coverings
2. Symptom-Free
a. No fever of 100+ in previous 48 hours
b. No unexplained cough, runny nose, etc.
c. No exposure to COVID-19 diagnosed individual or family member
d. No travel to “hotspots” or other exposure to ill individuals
3. Social Distancing by Household/Family Units is expected
a. Large group seating is restricted
i. Bleacher seating will be available
1. Must sit in Household/Family Units AND
2. Socially distance between others
ii. Bring your own chairs and sit in Household/Family Units outside of the roped area
1. Socially distance between others
Our goal is for our STUDENTS to have the OPPORTUNITY to PARTICIPATE. Administration will take the necessary steps to ensure our students get that opportunity. Please do your part to help provide this opportunity.