East End Events
Norman Greenfield spent the weekend with his daughter, Susan Greenfield.
Bryan and Dorcas Berggren hosted Sunday dinner at their home. Guests were Kelvin, Amy and Alex Schmidt; Benjamin Splitter; Tim Lehman and Freda Schmidt.
Weekend before last, Bryan and Dorcas Berggren went to Hillsboro, Kansas, to see their daughter, Abby, who is going to college there. They also were able to visit Dorcas's cousin Garvie Schmidt and wife Diane.
Kyle and Joanna (Specht) Schneider are the proud parents of their new daughter, Mckinli Kesdyn, who was born October 2 in Lakin, Kansas. Congratulations on the new arrival to your family.
Vern Harris's niece, Shelly, and family of Denver came down Sunday to do the Pumpkin Patch and visit with family.
Dick and I went to Garden City Wednesday to do some shopping and have lunch.
Mary Huddleston had lots of visitors last week. Her granddaughter, Barb, from Johnstown and her mom, Jeanie, from Burlington; grandson Jason and wife Kristen and his mom Donna from Colorado Springs and Mary's daughter-in-law Judy from Denver. Jerene and I joined Jason, Kristen and Donna for lunch on Saturday.
The Plainview Senior Carnival will be held October 18 starting at 5:00 p.m. There will be a soup supper; pie toss; egg toss; duck throw; tricycle races and a jail. Come on out and have some fun.
A reminder that there will be a wedding shower for Mikayla Schmidt and Joe Perales October 13 from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. at the Sheridan Lake Bible Church Fellowship Hall. RSVP to Megan Berggren - call or text 620-376-8458.
Fall is in the air and the weather people said that snow is just around the corner. Don't think I'm ready for that! [Editor’s note: neither are we!]
Please keep all the people who are ill in our communities in your prayers.
Have a great week!!