Sharon Scott - Community Columnist

East End Events

Sharon Scott - Community Columnist
Sharon Scott

By Sharon Scott

The Plainview High School students and their dates enjoyed Prom at the Towner Community Hall on Friday evening.  A delicious supper was served to them before the Grand March.  Austin Healy was crowned King and Cassandra Karas was crowned Queen.  After Prom, they went to Plainview for the Post-Prom party.  They were greet ed in the gym with huge blow-ups for obstacle courses and climbing and velcro walls. 

Everyone had a great time.  The 6th - 8th grade students were allowed to enjoy the obstacle courses from 9-11 p.m., before the High School students arrived.

Junior High and High School track students traveled to Wray, CO on Thursday for a track meet.  On Saturday, the High School went to Lamar for a track meet.

Kyle and I went to Garden City on Friday to see his eye Dr. and do some shopping.  On Saturday evening, I took Kyle and Cauy Stum to see the movie, Batman vs. Superman.

Mikayla Schmidt was home over the weekend from college.  She and her brother Alex went to see Batman vs.Superman Saturday evening also.

Cora Coffman went to Springfield on Friday to watch her great grandson Weslee compete in a track meet.

The 4-12 group went to Eads Sunday evening to see the movie, God's Not Dead 2.  They really enjoyed it.

Cheri Hopkins and her daughter Christy, went to Wellman, Iowa to visit family and friends.  They left a week ago Thursday and returned home on Tuesday.

The Towner Methodist Church hosted dinner on Sunday in honor of the Plainview Senior Class.  They held the dinner in their newly remodeled church.

Everyone is enjoying the warm weather and all the mowing the rain brought.  What better reason to mow than because of moisture.

Have a great week