East End Events – October 22, 2019
MaryAnn Richardson of Arizona, called me this afternoon to tell me that she and Jim celebrated their 70th Wedding Anniversary October 16. Their daughter, Julie, of Quartside, Aizona; son, David, and wife, Linda, of Ada, Oklahoma; and grandson, Josh, and family of Shawnee, Oklahoma, came to help them celebrate their special day. Congratulations on your 70th!! Not many people have those bragging rights.
Sorry to hear that Carol Shalberg had to have her knee replacement done over this past Friday. They don't know what happened, but she says things are already better than after the first surgery. We'll keep you in our prayers Carol.
We were sorry to hear of the fire last week in the field where Scherler’s were cutting milo. They lost their combine but. Thankfully. no one was injured.
Vincent Koeller and family visited Cora Coffman in Cheyenne Wells one afternoon last week.
Dick and I went to Pueblo last Thursday to get our hearing aids adjusted and do some shopping.
The Plainview Knowledge Bowl team traveled to Vilas last Friday to compete. They tied with several teams for sixth place.
Cora Coffman and I went to the Christmas Fair in Tribune Saturday. We enjoyed seeing everything and had lunch there.
Susan Greenfield went to Sterling this past weekend to spend some time with her dad. She also attended a cousin’s funeral while there.
Today was the last Sunday for the "Pumpkin Patch" in Sheridan Lake. They had a good crowd in spite of the wind and cooler weather. Once again, a big thank you to the Harris families for doing this!!
Remember that they will be giving flu and pneumonia shots at Plainview School October 30 from 1:00 to 3:00 p.m.
Have a great week!