East End Events - July 2, 2019
Well, I am finally back from all my travels. My son, Tom, and I flew to New Jersey June 19 to attend my granddaughter, Mikyla Scott's, high school graduation. There were over 700 students graduating, and it was held outside at the football field. It rained right up to time for the ceremony to take place, and then the sun broke through and was really nice the rest of the day. Of course, most of us were wet by then, but it didn't put a damper on the graduation. She will be enrolling in Montclair College for next fall. Congrats Ky!
The day after we arrived, we took the train into New York. We spent several hours touring the 9/11 Museum and saw the Freedom Tower. If you ever get a chance to go, it is well worth your time. It was a very moving experience. That evening, Tom, Craig and I went to the Broadway show "Frozen." I really enjoyed the show - it was my first Broadway show on Broadway. We took the train back and finally got home around 1:00 a.m. Saturday, we went sightseeing around the area and took in a "farmer's market," which was very similar to the ones we have around here except they had samples of different pickle recipes that you could try and different flavors of popped corn. They also had some different vegetables than what we usually see here. Sunday, we went sightseeing some more and ended up at one of their largest recreational lakes and had lunch on the wharf. After lunch we drove to Montclair College and took a tour of the campus. It was very pretty.
Monday, Craig, Tom and I went to the Atlantic City boardwalk for a couple of hours before heading over to Philadelphia to catch our flight home. All in all, it was a great trip.
On returning home, I found that Dick and Kyle had survived nicely without me. All the plants were alive, and the grass was mowed. They had even done the dishes!!!
Our communities extend their condolences to the family of Clarence Mayo, who passed away a couple weeks ago. Also, our condolences to the family of Clinton Evans, who passed away this past week. Clint and his wife Wilma lived in the Towner area for many years before moving to Oklahoma to help care for their aging parents. Also, condolences to the family of Frankie Smith, who passed away. She was the wife of Wayne Smith, who taught and coached at Sheridan Lake and Plainview Schools back in the 60's.
Wednesday, Dick and I went to Pueblo and I met with my orthopedic doctor to see about my hurting knees. They decided no surgery at this time - we are trying some new shots of gel to try and lubricate the knees. I am doing better, but not as good as I want yet. Hopefully it will continue to get better.
Thursday, Cora Coffman and I went to Holly and had lunch at the Wooden Spoon.
Saturday, Dick and I went to Simila to attend the 50th wedding anniversary celebration of our niece Cheryl (Scott) Churchwell and husband Ervin. Our son, Craig, was the ring bearer at their wedding 50 years ago. Craig was about 2 1/2 years old, so now you know about how old Craig is. (Sorry Craig)
I want to remind everyone that there will be a potluck supper, parade and fireworks at Sheridan Lake July 4. Everyone is welcome to come and enjoy the evening.
The hot weather is certainly ripening the wheat faster. Heard rumors they will be cutting by the weekend. Hope everyone has a safe and bountiful harvest.
Have a good week!