Financial Assistance Available for Organic Certification
Financial assistance is available for Colorado companies with an organic certification. In order to qualify for this year’s reimbursement, producers and handlers must have received certification or continuation of certification by a US Department of Agriculture (USDA) accredited certifying agent commencing October 1, 2015 through September 30, 2016.
Under the Food, Conservation and Energy Act of 2013, cost share assistance payments are limited to 75 percent of an individual producer’s or handler’s certification costs up to a maximum of $750 per category of certification. These funds will be distributed until exhausted on a first-come first-serve basis. The deadline for submitting application is November 15, 2016.
Applications for the reimbursements should be submitted after the certification process is complete and all fees have been paid. Proof of certification and certification fees paid must be submitted with your application.
The cost share program is through a cooperative agreement between the USDA and the Colorado Department of Agriculture, Division of Plant Industry. CDA is accredited by the USDA as an organic state certifier under the National Organic Program and currently certifies approximately 200 Colorado facilities. Producers and handlers who use other certifying agencies may still qualify for this cost-share program but must contact CDA for the appropriate forms.
For copies of the cost assistance forms, visit www.colorado.gov/ag/dpi or call Barbara Rosenbach at (303) 869-9051.