Food safety training set for Colorado cottage food producers
Are you interested in bringing your home-made food products to market? This training offered by CSU Extension- Southeast Area will provide food safety training required by the Colorado Cottage Food Act.
Extension Agent Abby Weber will present Food Safety Training for Colorado Cottage Food Producers March 17 from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. at CSU Extension-Otero County at 27901 County Rd. 21 in Rocky Ford.
Learn foods that are permissible in the updated Cottage Foods Act, ingredient labeling requirements, safe food sampling best practices, as well as basic food safety for a home business. In addition, financial and business considerations will be discussed as you pursue the idea of producing cottage foods for the market.
Registration fee of $45.00 (cash or check only) is required. To register call 719-254-7608. For more information about the training call Abby Weber at 719-688-2807.