Free Legal Self-Help Clinics Set for Baca, Otero Counties
Baca and Otero Counties will be hosting free legal self-help clinics via computer link for people without attorneys. Volunteer attorneys provide one-on-one assistance.
The Baca County clinic, sponsored by the Baca County Board of County Commissioners and hosted at the Baca County Library, is held the second Wednesday of the month starting at 3:00 p.m. The library is located at 1260 South Main Street, Springfield, in Suite 1 of the Resource Center. Call the library at 719-523-6962 to sign up. Free clinics are currently scheduled for November 9 and December 14.
Otero County’s clinics are also offered on the second Wednesday of the month and is hosted by the Woodruff Memorial Library, located at 522 Colorado Avenue in La Junta. Call 719-384-4612 to sign up for an appointment, which will be scheduled between 3:00 and 5:00 p.m.
A similar clinic is also offered at the Lamar Public Library, 102 East Parmenter Street, the first Monday of each month between 2:00 and 3:30 p.m. Walk-ins are welcome, and will be assisted on a first-come, first-served basis. The next clinic is scheduled for November 7, with an additional clinic set for December 5.
The free legal clinics are for parties who have no attorney, and are offered via computer link. Volunteer attorneys will answer questions, help fill out forms, and explain the process and procedure for the legal issues in the areas of family law, civil litigation, property law, probate law, collections, appeals, landlord-tenant law, veteran’s benefits, and civil protection orders.
The volunteer attorneys do not represent you just because they help you at this clinic. This clinic is information only, and is no substitute for legal representation. You have the right to retain an attorney of your choice at any time, and are advised to do so.