Governor Polis announces dozens of appointments to boards and commissions
Colorado Banking Board
The Board is the policy-making and rule-making authority for the Division of Banking, and has the authority to make final decisions with respect to the taking of possession, liquidation, or reorganization of banks.
effective July 1, 2019 for terms expiring July 1, 2023:
- Glen Jammaron of Glenwood Springs, Colorado, to serve as a representative of bankers, and as a representative who resides west of the continental divide, reappointed;
- Richard Estaban Martinez, Jr. of Centennial, Colorado, to serve as a representative of bankers, and as a representative of a bank having less than one hundred fifty million dollars in total assets, reappointed;
- Taylor Colton McLemore of Denver, Colorado, to serve as a representative of the public, appointed;
- Sarah J. Auchterlonie of Denver, Colorado, to serve as a representative of the public, reappointed.
Charter School Institute Board
The mission of the Institute Board shall be to foster high-quality public school choices offered through institute charter schools, including particularly schools for at-risk students.
for terms expiring July 1, 2022:
- Thomas Brinegar of Lafayette, Colorado, to serve as a member with other board or public service experience, and as an Unaffiliated, reappointed;
- Jill Hamilton Anschutz of Denver, Colorado, to serve as a member with other board or public service experience, and as a Republican, appointed.
Governor’s Commission on Community Service
The Commission shall recommend to the Governor a comprehensive national and community service plan for the state that is developed through an open and public process and updated annually. The plan shall address the state’s needs in the areas of school safety, preventing youth violence, literacy and mentoring or disadvantaged youth. The Commission also administers funds received from the Corporation on National and Community Service.
for terms expiring August 24, 2020:
- David Walker Ryan of Denver, Colorado to serve as a representative of a community based agency and occasioned by the resignation of W. David Mallery of Aurora, appointed.
Cumbres & Toltec Scenic Railroad Commission
The Cumbres & Toltec Scenic Railroad Commission preserves and develops the Cumbres & Toltec Scenic Railroad for the education, enlightenment and enjoyment of future generations.
for a term expiring July 1, 2023:
- Mark Eugene Graybill of Golden, Colorado, reappointed.
Colorado Dental Board
The Colorado Dental Board makes rules and regulations, examines and licenses dentists and dental hygienists, and conducts hearings regarding the suspension or revocation of licenses.
for a term expiring January 1, 2021:
- Kenneth H. Feiler of Denver, Colorado to serve as an at-large public member, and occasioned by the resignation of Sarah Elise Butler of Highlands Ranch, Colorado, appointed.
Developmental Disabilities Council
The Developmental Disabilities Council is responsible for coordinating services and advocating for persons with developmental disabilities.
for a term expiring July 1, 2020:
- Nicolette Anderson of Henderson, Colorado, to serve as a parent, guardian, or family member of a child with developmental disabilities, and occasioned by the resignation of Robert Michael Buzogany of Littleton, Colorado, appointed;
effective July 1, 2019 for terms expiring July 1, 2022:
- Tara Entwistle of Golden, Colorado, to serve as an individual with knowledge of maternal and child health, appointed;
- Mariah Gillaspie of Centennial, Colorado, to serve as a parent of a child with developmental disabilities, appointed;
- Angela L. Moss of Windsor, Colorado, to serve as a parent or guardian of a child with developmental disabilities, appointed;
- Christine C. Owen of Colorado Springs, Colorado, to serve as a parent/guardian of an institutionalized person with mentally impairing developmental disabilities, appointed;
- Cami Renfrow of Salida, Colorado, to serve as a person with developmental disabilities, appointed;
- Joseph Andrew Shippley of Arvada, Colorado, to serve as an immediate relative or guardian of an adult with developmental disabilities, appointed;
- Alison Eve Thompson of Berthoud, Colorado, to serve as a parent or guardian of a child with developmental disabilities, appointed;
Colorado Educational and Cultural Facilities Authority Board of Directors
The Authority issues bonds to provide affordable financing for educational and cultural buildings and equipment owned by non-profit institutions.
effective June 30, 2019 for a term expiring June 30, 2023:
- Andrew Lawrence Vick of Colorado Springs, Colorado, a Democrat, appointed.
eHealth Commission
The Commission shall support the implementation of the state's Health IT strategy and interoperability objectives by setting goals for Health IT programs and creating a process for developing common policies and technical solutions.
for terms expiring February 1, 2021:
- Arthur J. Davidson of Denver, Colorado, to serve as a representative of primary healthcare providers, and occasioned by the resignation of Justin Daniel Wheeler MD, of Lafayette, Colorado, appointed;
for terms expiring February 1, 2022:
- Rachel Dixon of Golden, Colorado, to serve as a representative of expertise in digital health, and occasioned by the resignation of Tania E. Zeigler of Denver, Colorado, appointed.
Employee Ownership
The Commission supports the development and advancement of employee owned businesses by creating technical support, educating businesses and communities on the economic and community benefits of employee-owned businesses and identifying barriers to the development and advancement of employee-owned businesses and recommending State actions and resources to remove such barriers.
effective June 15, 2019 for terms expiring June 15, 2021:
- Minsun Ji of Denver, Colorado, appointed;
- Stephanie Lynn Gripne of Denver, Colorado, appointed;
- John Allen Tate of Centennial, Colorado, appointed;
- James Rashad Coleman of Denver, Colorado, appointed;
- Kerry Lynn Siggins of Durango, Colorado, appointed;
- Jennifer K. Briggs of Windsor, Colorado, appointed;
effective June 15, 2019 for terms expiring June 15, 2023:
- Halisi Dawn Vinson of Denver, Colorado, appointed;
- Jason Russell Wiener of Boulder, Colorado, appointed;
- Daniel G. Hobbs of Avondale, Colorado, appointed;
- Steven Michael Johnson of Broomfield, Colorado, appointed;
- Sandra Lee Shoemaker of Larkspur, Colorado, appointed.
Governmental Accounting
The Advisory Committee on Governmental Accounting assists the auditor in formulating and prescribing a classification of accounts which will be uniform for every level of local government with exceptions (population, etc).
for terms expiring May 18, 2023:
- Carrie Bartow of El Paso, Colorado, to serve as a representative of special services districts, appointed;
- Brenda Richey of Boulder, Colorado, to serve as a representative of city and county government, appointed;
- James Edward Rae of Windsor, Colorado, to serve as a certified public accountant, reappointed.
Colorado Health Benefits Exchange Board
The health benefit exchange is a nonprofit, unincorporated public entity known as the “Board of Directors” that shall govern the operation of the Exchange. The Board shall determine and establish the development, governance and operation of the Exchange. The Exchange shall foster a competitive marketplace for insurance and shall not solicit bids or engage in the active purchase of insurance.
effective July 1, 2019 for a term expiring July 1, 2023:
- Adela Flores-Brennan of Englewood, Colorado, to serve as a representative of the health care consumer navigation, or assistance and administration of public or private health care delivery systems, and as a Democrat, reappointed.
Colorado Healthcare Affordability and Sustainability Enterprise
The Board is responsible for working with the Department of Health Care Policy and Financing and the Medical Services Board to develop the hospital provider fee model, monitor the implementation of House Bill 09-1293, help with the preparation of annual reports on this program, and ensure that the Medicaid and Child Health Plan Plus (CHP+) eligibility expansions are implemented as intended.
for a term expiring May 15, 2023:
- Brent Bowman of Denver, Colorado, to serve as representative of a statewide organization of health insurance carriers, reappointed;
- Robert A. Morasko of Salida, Colorado, an employee of a rural hospital in Colorado, appointed;
- Peggy Jordan Burnette of Denver, Colorado, an employee of a hospital in Colorado, reappointed
- Scott Lindblom of Thornton, Colorado, an employee of the state department, appointed.
State Historical Society
The Board of Directors of the State Historical Society is the governing body for the State Historical Society. The Society is a 501 (c)(3) charitable organization and an agency of the State of Colorado under the Department of Higher Education. It offers public access to cultural and heritage resources of Colorado, including statewide museums and special programs for individuals and families, collection stewardship of Colorado’s historic treasures, educational resources for schools, students and teachers, and services related to preservation, archaeology and history.
effective July 1, 2019 for terms expiring July 1, 2022:
- Robert E. Musgraves of Denver, Colorado, reappointed;
- Cathy Lee Carpenter Dea of Golden, Colorado, reappointed;
- Ellen S. Roberts of Durango, Colorado, reappointed;
- Alan Bruce Salazar of Thornton, Colorado, reappointed.
State Housing Board
The Board works to establish uniform construction and maintenance standards for hotels, motels, multiple dwellings and factory-built housing. The Board also develops for submittal to the general assembly and units of local government recommendations for uniform housing standards and building codes.
for a term expiring January 31, 2021:
- Samuel Gerard Betters of Loveland, Colorado to serve as a Democrat and resident of the Second Congressional District, and occasioned by the resignation of Erik Estrada of Louisville, Colorado, appointed.
Colorado Housing and Finance Authority Board of Directors
The Board of Directors serves as the governing board of the authority. The authority works to procure public moneys through the issuance of bonds to assist both private enterprises and governmental entities in meeting housing needs for low-income and moderate-income families.
for terms expiring July 1, 2023:
- Max Tyler of Lakewood, Colorado, to serve as a member representing the public, reappointed;
- Julie J. Brewen of Bellevue, Colorado, to serve as a member representing the public, reappointed;
- Michelle Gersey Miles of Trinidad, Colorado, to serve as a member representing the public, appointed.
Statewide Internet Portal Authority
The Statewide Internet Portal Authority develops the officially recognized statewide internet portal that provides one-stop access to electronic information, products, and services in order to give members of the public an alternative way to transact business with the state.
effective June 1, 2019 for a term expiring June 1, 2023:
- William Griffin of Denver, Colorado, to serve as a representative of the private sector, appointed.
Judicial Performance and Nominating Commissions
There is a judicial district nominating commission for each of Colorado’s 22 judicial districts that selects nominees for district and county judicial vacancies. Each district nominating commission is chaired by a justice of the Supreme Court, who is a non-voting member of the commission.
Commissions on Judicial Performance were created in 1988 by the Colorado General Assembly to provide fair, responsible and constructive evaluations of trial and appellate judges and justices. The evaluations enable voters to make informed decisions in judicial retention elections, and also provide judges with information that can be used to improve their professional skills.
State Judicial Performance Commission
for terms expiring November 30, 2021:
- Dennis Keith Obduskey of Pueblo, Colorado, to serve as a non attorney, and occasioned by the resignation of Roland P. Williams of Westcliffe, Colorado, appointed.
Sixth Judicial District Nominating Commission
for a term expiring December 31, 2024:
- John Hamilton Wright of Silverton, Colorado, to serve as a non-attorney and as an Unaffiliated from San Juan County, appointed.
Ninth Judicial District Nominating Commission
for a term expiring December 31, 2025:
- Sheryl O. Barto of Carbondale, Colorado, to serve as a non-attorney and as an Unaffiliated from Garfield County, appointed.
State Board of Land Commissioners
The State Board of Land Commissioners manages an endowment of assets held in perpetual, intergenerational public trusts for the financial support of Colorado’s public schools and other public institutions.
effective June 30, 2019 for terms expiring June 30, 2023:
- Christine Marie Scanlan of Keystone, Colorado, to serve as a representative of local government and land use planning and as a Democrat, appointed;
- Josephine W. Heath of Boulder, Colorado, to serve as a representative of public primary or secondary education and as a Democrat, appointed.
Interagency Coordinating Council
The State Interagency Coordinating Council (SICC) advises the Colorado Department of Human Services on implementation of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act of 2004. Part C of the Act, relates to the support and services for infants and toddlers with disabilities and their families.
effective June 30, 2019 for a term expiring June 30, 2021:
- Megan Bowser of Littleton, Colorado to serve as a representative of a parent of an infant or toddler with disabilities, reappointed;
- Kristin Ceriani of Platteville, Colorado, to serve as a service provider of early intervention services, appointed;
- Danae Davison of Arvada, Colorado, to serve as a parent of an infant or toddler with disabilities, reappointed;
- Megan Godsey of Aurora, Colorado, to serve as a representative of a parent of an infant or toddler with disabilities, appointed;
- Laura Luzietti of Denver, Colorado, to serve as a licensed physician, appointed;
- Sarah McNamee of Lakewood, Colorado, to serve as a service provider of early intervention services, appointed;
- Erica Nicole Newton of Littleton, Colorado, to serve as a parent of an infant or toddler with disabilities, reappointed;
- Elizabeth Ann Scully of Denver, Colorado, to serve as a service provider of early intervention services, reappointed;
effective June 30, 2019 to serve at the pleasure of the Governor:
- Alexandra Murphy of Denver, Colorado, to serve as a representative of the Colorado Department of Human Services, appointed.
Colorado Commission on Judicial Discipline
The Commission monitors and disciplines misconduct of judges and justices of the state courts of Colorado and provides education programs to judges on their ethics obligations under the Colorado Code of Judicial Conduct.
for terms expiring June 30, 2023:
- Yolanda Lyons Pfund of Monument, Colorado to serve as a non-attorney, reappointed;
- Bruce Casias of Lakewood, Colorado, to serve as a non-attorney, reappointed;
- Drucilla Pugh of Pueblo, Colorado, to serve as a non-attorney, reappointed;
- Elizabeth Krupa of Evergreen, Colorado, to serve as an attorney, reappointed.
State Board of Marriage and Family Therapist Examiners
The State Board of Marriage and Family Therapist Examiners board adopts rules and regulations for the profession, conducts examinations, and grants or denies licenses.
for terms expiring August 12, 2022:
- Michael A. Knox of Highlands Ranch, Colorado, to serve as a member of the general public, and occasioned by the resignation of Cindy Corsaro of Colorado Springs, Colorado, appointed.
Medical Services Board
The Medical Services Board adopts the rules and regulations that govern the operation of the Colorado Medicaid Program and Colorado Indigent Care Program.The Regulations adopted by the board will direct the efforts of the State in defining eligibility and the benefits for these programs, the rights and obligations of clients receiving benefits, and the payment of vendors providing health care services. The Board will also provide advice and consultation to the State Board of Human Services in connection with the administration of the Old Age Pension Health and Medical Fund.
for a term expiring July 1, 2023
- David Matthew Pump of Colorado Springs, Colorado, a Republican from the Fifth Congressional District, with knowledge of medical assistance programs, appointed.
Mental Health Advisory Board for Service Standards and Regulations
The Board is responsible for recommending standards and regulations for the programs of mental health services in any health care facility that has separate facilities for mental health care, or those health care facilities that have as their only purpose the treatment and care of mental illness.
effective immediately for a term expiring July 1, 2020:
- Kara Liegh Johnson-Hufford of Denver, Colorado to serve as a representative of the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment, and occasioned by the resignation of Jarrod Hindman, MS of Brighton, Colorado, appointed;
effective July 1, 2019 for terms expiring July 1, 2022:
- Hal Mark Mandler of Littleton, Colorado, to serve as a representative of the public or private sectors, reappointed;
- Clayton Cunningham of Northglenn, Colorado, to serve as a representative of the public or private sector, reappointed;
- Thomas Peter Olbrich, LCSW of Bailey, Colorado, to serve as a representative of nonprofit health care facilities, reappointed;
- Elizabeth Lyons Lowdermilk, MD of Denver, Colorado, to serve as a professional psychiatrist, reappointed;
- Kyle Michael Brown, PhD of Boulder, Colorado, to serve as a representative of CU medical center, appointed;
- Cassie Leah Damato, MA, LPC of Fort Collins, Colorado, to serve as a representative of the public or private sector, appointed;
- Rana D. Shaner of Olathe, Colorado, to serve as a consumer of mental health services, appointed.
Colorado Natural Areas Council
The Colorado Natural Areas Council advises the Executive Director of the Department of Natural Resources on the administration of the Colorado Natural Areas Program and approves the registration and designation of natural areas by Department of Natural Resources.
effective June 30, 2019 for a term expiring June 30, 2023:
- Angela Lynn Riedel of Lafayette, Colorado, to serve as a member with an interest in the preservation of natural areas, appointed;
- Denise Culver of Fort Collins, Colorado, to serve as a member with an interest in the preservation of natural areas, reappointed.
Board of Examiners of Nursing Home Administrators
The Board of Examiners of Nursing Home Administrators licenses nursing home operators and may conduct hearings to revoke, suspend, deny or reissue licenses.
effective July 1, 2019, for terms expiring July 1, 2023:
- Jarom David Eberhard of Littleton, Colorado, to serve as a representative of the nursing home administrator/proprietary facility administration, appointed;
- Sara Elizabeth Dent, NHA, MBA of Highlands Ranch, Colorado, to serve as a representative of the nursing home administrator/non-profit facility administration, reappointed.
State Board of Parole
The State Board of Parole holds hearings and considers applications for parole, and conducts all proceedings involving revocation of parole.
effective July 1, 2019 for a term expiring July 1, 2022:
- Joe Martin Morales of Parker, Colorado, to serve as a representative of law enforcement, reappointed;
- Darlene Ann Alcala of Pueblo, Colorado, to serve as a citizen representative, appointed;
effective July 8, 2019 for a term expiring July 1, 2022:
- Chad Dilworth of Boulder, Colorado, to serve as a citizen representative and as the Vice Chair, appointed;
- Jason Cook Guidry of Highlands Ranch, Colorado, to serve as a citizen representative, appointed;
- Michelle Marie Geng of Colorado Springs, Colorado, to serve as a citizen representative, appointed.
Parks and Wildlife Commission
The Parks and Wildlife Commission is responsible for perpetuating the wildlife resources of the state, providing a quality state parks system and providing enjoyable and sustainable outdoor recreation opportunities that educate and inspire current and future generations to serve as active stewards of Colorado natural resources.
effective July 1, 2019 for a term expiring July 1, 2023:
- Taishya Rashaan Adams of Boulder, Colorado, to serve as a representative of outdoor recreation and utilization of parks resources, reappointed;
- Elizabeth Ann Blecha of Wray, Colorado, to serve as a representative of sports persons and outfitters, appointed;
- Carrie Besnette Hauser of Glenwood Springs, Colorado, to serve as a representative of outdoor recreation and utilization of parks resources, reappointed.
Peace Officer Standards and Training Board
The Board oversees the certification of training programs, training academies and instructors of police officer candidates. The Board also certifies qualified peace officers.
for a term to expire June 30, 2023:
- John Gilmour Minor of Dillon, Colorado, to serve as a police chief, reappointed;
- Honorable Ronald John Rakowsky of Greenwood Village, Colorado, to serve as a representative of local government, reappointed;
- Daric Ryan Harvey of Penrose, Colorado, to serve as a police chief, appointed.
State Personnel Board
The State Personnel Board adopts, amends and repeals the procedures which implement those sections of the state constitution concerning the state personnel system.
effective June 30, 2019 for a term expiring June 30, 2022:
- Sarah Kristin Wager of Littleton, Colorado, appointed.
Governor’s Revenue Estimating Advisory Committee
The Governor's Revenue Estimating Advisory Committee (the “Committee”) was created to assist the Office of State Planning and Budgeting (OSBP) project the State’s annual revenue more effectively. Pursuant to C.R.S. 24-37-302, the OSBP must provide the General Assembly with a revenue estimate for the fiscal year in September.
for terms expiring October 1, 2023:
- Charles R. Gwirtsman of Denver, Colorado, appointed.
State Board of Social Work Examiners
The Board licenses social workers in Colorado and conducts hearings concerning complaints against licensed social workers.
for a term expiring June 30, 2020:
- Mary Elizabeth Walker of Highlands Ranch, Colorado, to serve as a public member and occasioned by the resignation of Lauren Lambert of Boulder, Colorado, appointed.
Stroke Advisory Board
The Stroke Advisory Board evaluates potential strategies for stroke prevention and treatment, and develops statewide needs assessments identifying relevant resources to improve the quality of care for stroke patients. Each January 1, the Board submits a report specifying its findings and recommendations to the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment and the corresponding committees in the State House and State Senate.
for a term expiring August 1, 2020:
- Paul Andrew Sykes, MD, PhD, of Lyons, Colorado, to represent a statewide association of physicians and occasioned by the resignation of Judd M. Jensen, MD of Denver, Colorado, appointed.
Venture Capital Authority
The Authority makes funding available for Colorado businesses in the beginning and early stages of their development.
for a term expiring May 5, 2023:
- Thea Alice Chase of Palisade, Colorado, to serve as a representative of venture capital, institutional investment, fund management or investment banking, appointed.
Colorado Board of Veterans Affairs
The Colorado Board of Veterans' Affairs studies the problems facing veterans and makes recommendations to the Department of Military and Veterans Affairs, Division of Veterans’ Affairs, concerning programs needed to assist veterans.
effective June 30, 2019 for terms expiring June 30, 2023:
- Patricia Jane Hammon, RN, of Eagle, Colorado, a Democrat and a veteran who has been honorably released or separated from the armed forces of the United States of America, reappointed;
- Hollie Kaye Caldwell of Parker, Colorado, a Democrat and a veteran who has been honorably released or separated from the armed forces of the United States of America, reappointed.
Board of Commissioners of Veterans Community Living Centers
Advise the Division of State and Veterans Nursing Homes, the state nursing home located in Trinidad, and the veterans nursing homes located in Florence, Rifle, Aurora, and Monte Vista, Colorado; provide continuity, predictability, and stability in the operation of the state and veterans nursing homes; and provide guidance to future administrators at the state and veterans nursing homes based on the collective institutional memory of the Board of Commissioners.
effective July 1, 2019 for terms expiring July 1, 2023:
- Richard Edward Young of Denver, Colorado, to serve as a veteran and as a Democrat, reappointed;
- William Lewis Robinson of Castle Rock, Colorado, to serve as a veteran and the designee of the State Board of Veterans Affairs and as an Unaffiliated, reappointed;
- Anne Kerr Meier of Evergreen, Colorado, the state long-term ombudsman, reappointed;
- Carolyn Mae Ruhl of Brush, Colorado, to serve as a member with expertise in nursing home operations, who is a nursing home administrator at the time of appointment, who is experienced in the financial operations of a nursing home, and as a Republican, reappointed.
Water and Wastewater Facilities Operators Certification Board
The Board establishes rules and regulations concerning the application, admission to the exam, and issuance of certificates to operators of water and wastewater treatment plants.
effective immediately for a term expiring June 30, 2022:
- Joshua Meck of Firestone, Colorado, to serve as a member with various interests in the water and wastewater facility certification program with geographical representation, and occasioned by the resignation of Christopher Harris of Fort Collins, Colorado, appointed;
effective June 30, 2019 for terms expiring June 30, 2023:
- Eric Kenneth Hassel of Durango, Colorado, to serve as a representative with various interests in the water and wastewater facility certification program, and knowledge of rural water and wastewater treatment issues, reappointed;
- Ceila Mahinay Colby Rethamel of Littleton, Colorado, to serve as a certified water distribution or wastewater collection system operator with the highest level of certification available in Colorado, appointed.