
Granada School District RE-1 Return to Campus Plan and Procedures
© iStock - NiseriN
As we anticipate a return to school in August, please review the following plan and procedures to ensure that all students, staff, and visitors are kept safe while in the school, at school events, or while riding the bus to school.
Entering/Exiting/Visiting the school during the school day:
All students, staff, and visitors to the school will be required to do the following each day:
- Enter and exit through the marked doors. To minimize contact as people move throughout the school: The Far right doors (as you are facing the school) will be for exiting the school, far left will be for entering.
- Everyone will be screened as he/she enters the school. This will include temperature check, and answering a few health-related questions.
- Visitors will be asked to go straight to the office window and check in. Students will be called out of class and brought to the office to check out, visit with parents, pick up items, etc. ... Visitors, parents, and guardians will be discouraged from walking up and down the halls during school hours.
- If a visitor is required to travel the halls or visit a classroom, he/she must be screened in the same manner of staff and students prior to being allowed to go to the classrooms.
Health Screenings
- Parents/Guardians will be encouraged to screen students at home for temperature and symptom screening.
- The school will conduct temperature and symptom screening for all students before they get on a bus or enter the school.
- Staff will conduct home temperature and symptom screenings prior to entering the school.
- Students or staff with a temperature or symptoms will remain at home, or if any family member or other close contact has been diagnosed with COVID 19 or is experiencing symptoms, you must remain at home.
- Per Colorado current law, masks will be required for those students/staff/visitors ages 11 and older. The school will provide masks and/or face shields for staff that request them. Face coverings must cover the nose and mouth unless the student/staff member/visitor cannot medically tolerate a face covering.
- If needed, face coverings may be temporarily removed, or transparent alternatives may be temporarily be substituted when learning differences interfere with instruction.
- If necessary, the mask may be removed for instruction for the shortest duration possible.
- Adults are required to wear coverings over nose and mouth when they are with other adults, including the faculty lounge.
- Masks may be removed during outdoor recess and exercise activities where appropriate distancing can be maintained, unless the student has health or education reasons for not wearing a mask.
- Face coverings styles with other than head-strap will be preferred for students under 10 to increase safety and improve the ability of students to remove their own masks.
- All masks will be removed during nap times and when younger children cannot be directly observed; masks should be designed so students can remove them without assistance.
Cleaning and Personal Sanitizing
- Staff, Students, and Visitors are encouraged to wash their hands frequently. Hand sanitizer will be available for students in the classrooms and in dispensing machines around the school. All toilets, faucets, and hand soap
- dispensers in the original building will be touchless.
- The Custodians will deep clean and sanitize all public areas at the end of each day. This includes desks, lockers, doorknobs, equipment, etc. .... The school had purchased a "fogger'' machine to fog disinfectant into rooms to sanitize areas that are hard to reach or may have been missed.
- Students are encouraged to bring their own sanitizing wipes to wipe down their locker, bags, backpacks, or other items that may collect germs throughout the day.
- Provide continuing education on proper hygiene and handwashing protocols to all students/staff.