Hearing - Kiowa County Planning and Zoning setback recommendations
Kiowa County Planning & Zoning Commission
May 2, 2023 1041 Setback Revised Recommendations
At the May 2, 2023 board meeting, the Kiowa County Planning & Zoning Commission approved the following revisions to their April 4, 2023 1041 Setback Recommendations.
The revised recommended setbacks for Wind Turbines:
- Setback 1 mile (5,280 feet) from incorporated towns and unincorporated towns.
- Setback .5 miles (2,640 feet) from residential structures (occupied or unoccupied) and schools.
- Setback 1.2 times the tip height of the turbine from non-residential structures, public roads, or property lines.
- Setback requirements will not apply to participating landowner’s residences, other structures or property lines within the boundaries of a lease for development. Setbacks from non-participating residences, other structures and property lines may be negotiated by the landowner and the developer which would require a waiver to be issued by the Board of County Commissioners.
The revised recommended setbacks for Transmission Line structures:
- All NESC (National Electric Safety Codes) Standards will apply.
- Exceptions will be made for public utilities according to state and federal regulations.
- All existing transmission lines will be grandfathered in.
The revised recommended setbacks for Solar Developments:
- Setback 1 mile (5,280 feet) from incorporated towns and unincorporated towns.
- Setback .5 miles (2,640 feet) from residential structures (occupied or unoccupied) and schools.
- Setback 50’ from non-residential structures, public roads, or property lines.
- Setback requirements will not apply to participating landowner’s residences, other structures or property lines within the boundaries of a lease for development. Setbacks from non-participating residences, other structures and property lines may be negotiated by the landowner and the developer which would require a waiver to be issued by the Board of County Commissioners.
These recommendations will be provided to the Kiowa County Board of Commissioners for their consideration in adopting the setback requirements for projects that are permitted through the Kiowa County 1041 Regulations and process.
There will be a public hearing for the Kiowa County 1041 Setbacks at the Courthouse meeting room, 1305 Goff Street, Eads, Colorado on Thursday, May 11, 2023 at 11:00 a.m.. Any interested party is welcome to attend. Anyone who wishes to comment will have an opportunity to be heard. If you have a comment or question but are unable to attend in person, an option for virtual attendance will be provided. Please contact Administrator, Tina Adamson, if you would like to be emailed a virtual meeting invitation or if you would like to email your comment, it will be read at the public hearing. Email requests or comments to kiowaco100@gmail.com. If you have questions contact the Commissioner’s office at 719-438-5810. Correspondence that is mailed should be addressed to Kiowa County Board of Commissioners, PO Box 100, Eads, CO 81036. Final decision on these regulations could tentatively be approved at the May 25, 2023 Kiowa County Board of Commissioners meeting. Updates and other land use information can be found on the Kiowa County website at https://kiowacounty.colorado.gov