
Here’s to Your Mental Wellness!

Wellness News

Here’s to Your Mental Wellness!

by Connie Brase, MA

As a native of Southeast Colorado, I am very aware of the stigma regarding getting mental health help for any reason. I fully understand the term “I’ll kill my own snakes”. (I’ve done that, too, by the way.) In other words, I’ll just pick myself up and go on. We seem to feel that only the weak ask for help; but, as is

usually the case, with experience comes some wisdom. Even though I don’t jump up and down with excitement at the thought of going to my primary care provider for ANY reason, there comes a time when it is just the thing to do. And when that time comes, I’m sure glad she’s there.

Mental Wellness and Physical Wellness should be treated with equal importance. Diabetes, heart disease, or any other chronic illness means a lifestyle change, probably medication for a lengthy period of time, and support from your primary care providers and family members. Just like physical health issues, mental health issues require the same support. Chronic diagnoses such as Major Depressive Disorder, Schizophrenia, and Bipolar, for instance, will probably need long-term medications, support from family members, and support and guidance from trained, experienced mental health providers.

Just as primary medical care providers have extensive education and training, so do mental health providers. Just as the medical folks gain experience while practicing their chosen field, so do mental health folks. And, just as every person with physical health diagnosis has some similarities, each one is an individual and should be treated as such. The very same is true in the mental health field of treatment.

In the upcoming articles, I will be discussing what happens in a counseling session: what you can

expect as your responsibility and the therapist’s responsibility. Then the series will shift to discussing

symptoms of various diagnoses and some thoughts about the help that is available.

Mental Wellness and Physical Wellness should be treated with equal Importance.

Mental Health providers have extensive education and training, just like primary care providers.

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For information or to schedule an appointment.