History Colorado awards $237,000 to preserve Legion Hall in Eads
As part of $7.2 million in preservation awards from the History Colorado’s State Historic Fund, the American Legion Hall in Eads will benefit from a $236,918 grant package.
The grant will used as part of the second phase in restoring the building and will address interior and exterior building needs.
The Hall, a National Register site, is located on the Kiowa County Fairgrounds northwest of Eads, and frequently hosts dances, wedding receptions and other community events.
The Hall was built in the late 1930s under the Works Progress Administration as part of President Franklin Roosevelt’s New Deal program. It was listed on the National Register of Historic Places in 2007.
Members of American Legion Post #125 frequently provide volunteer hours to maintain the wood frame building.
“I am proud of the steps History Colorado is taking to ensure that the power of preservation is realized by all of our Colorado communities. This work is essential to building a vibrant and equitable Colorado future,” said Dawn DiPrince, History Colorado Executive Director and State Historic Preservation Officer.
State Historic Fund grant packages leverage local and partner match funds for projects across Colorado.