Kiowa County Commissioners meeting minutes – February 14, 2019
Kiowa County Courthouse in Eads, Colorado. © Chris Sorensen
The Kiowa County Commissioner's regular meeting was called to order by Chairman, Richard Scott at 9:00 am on February 14, 2019. Commissioner Oswald opened with a prayer and Pledge of Allegiance. Those in attendance were:
Richard Scott, Chairman
Donald Oswald, Commissioner Howard Robertson, Commissioner Delisa Weeks, County Clerk
Tina Adamson, County Administrator
Scott moved and Robertson seconded the motion to approve the minutes with one correction. Motion carried.
Oswald moved and Robertson seconded the motion to approve the vouchers as presented. Motion Carried.
Scott moved and Robertson seconded the motion to approve the agenda with one following addition to New Business:
Dirt roads that need to be graded.
Maintenance Foreman, Mike Crain entered the meeting at 09:30 a.m. to discuss the west entrance door to the courthouse. Crain explained the hinge on the door has become an issue. The Commissioners recommended the door be replaced. Crain exited the meeting 09:40.
Dennis Pearson, Director of Social Servicesentered the meeting at 09:42 a.m. to provide a monthly report. He discussed the child welfare issues. Pearson reported they now have only 3 in the care of Kiowa County.
The food stamp program is going well. People will be able to receive their food stamps for March. Pearson further discussed the TANF reserve program and asked if the remaining funds be used for the new daycare program. These funds would assist in the installation of new flooring and baseboards for the daycare. Oswald moved and Scott seconded the motion to rescind any TANF expenditures approved in previous meetings and now approve $15,000.00 for flooring and base board covers for the daycare located at the First Baptist Church. Motion carried. Pearson exited the meeting at 10:18 a.m.
Eads Senior Citizen: Alice Glover and Loretta Seibel entered the meeting at 10:00 a.m. to discuss the grant issues with the Senior Citizen's portion of the Murdock project. Seibel had read in the paper and understood that the funds were readily available. Administrator Adamson explained that until the funding is in place nothing can be done on the Senior Citizens portion. Adamson stated that it would be December 2019 before the elevator and the heating for the National Park portion would be complete. Also, that it could be as early as this summer when the Seniors portion goes under contract. Glover and Seibel thanked the BOCC and exited the meeting.
Landfill Update: The Haswell Landfill and Tree Pit will officially be closed June 1, 2019. Recycling issues were discussed. A local citizen had concern over flat tires at the landfill. The commissioners said in no way would Kiowa County be held responsible if a person received a flat tire at the landfill.
Planning & Zoning Update/KCEDF Development: Robertson moved and Oswald seconded the motion to accept Roger Saffer to the At Large Position to the Planning and Zoning Board. Motion carried.
KCEDF: Dan and Jan Richards are asking for permission to advertise a tiny home at the property they purchased on south Rittgers Street. Oswald said he had concerns for a tiny home setting on commercial property and not residential property. Administrator Adamson explained there is a need for further clarification on how a person is using their property. There needs to be a process defined in the Planning & Zoning Comprehensive Plan and it needs to be followed for each property.
Adamson will reach out to Jerry Allen, Land Use Administrator out of Cheyenne County to see if he is interested in being the Kiowa County Land Use Operator on a part time basis.
Murdock Contract: Alan Friedhof with Latcon Corporation and Belinda Zink with Zink and Associates entered the meeting at 10:50 a.m. to discuss the Murdock Contract. There was lengthy discussion over the contract and the project. Oswald moved and Robertson seconded the motion to award Latcon Corporation with the contract for the Murdock Project in the amount of $1,593,335.00. Motion carried.
Sheriff Sheridanentered the meeting along with Belinda Zink, to discuss the Single Entry Point on the north end of the Courthouse. Zink had a copy of the initial design drawings for this addition.
Oswald moved and Robertson seconded the motion to recess for lunch at 12: 17 a.m. Motion carried. The Regular meeting reconvened at 1 :07 p.m.
John Wagner with CTSI(County Technical Services Inc.) provided the County Loss/Risk Analysis review. Wagner provided a trending analysis and suggested what we could do as a county to improve our losses. He exited meeting 01 :50 p.m.
Eunice Weberentered the meeting at 1 :30 p.m. in regards to an ambulance license. Weber reported that the ambulance service had 123 runs for 2018. With the county funding Weber will be providing CPR training and equipment throughout the county. Weber will be conducting an Emergency Responder class for the current EMT'S. Weber thanked the BOCC for their time and exited the meeting at 01 :35 p.m.
Sheriff Sheridanentered the meeting to provide an update for the Commissioners. He reported that their office is applying for a $26,000 JAG Grant. This grant application will be for electronic citations. This would include a tablet and printer being installed in each vehicle. The ticket would print and be issued at the time of the stop. He also explained that they are applying for a Lidar Speed Grant. This grant would be for the purchase of a radar gun that shoots out a laser that could tell how far the vehicle is from the patrol vehicle and the speed it is traveling. The Lidar Gun can also be used for measuring accident scenes. Sheriff Sheridan also said he would like in the near future to purchase an AED for each of the sheriff’s vehicle if at all possible. An AED is running about $1700.00 per unit. He explained since they are quite often the first on scene of a 911 call the AED could be administered while the ambulance is enroute. The BOCC thanked Sheriff Sheridan for the report and he exited the meeting.
NEW BUSINESS:Meetings and Reports were reviewed and signed.
Towner Senior Dinners:Zelpha Deines had reported that there will be more senior citizen dinners taking place in Towner and would like for the County to consider paying for the meat for the monthly meal. Robertson moved and Oswald seconded that the County furnish the cost of the meat for the Towner Seniors. Motion carried.
Hospital Board Appointment:Oswald moved and Robertson seconded to approve Whitney Barnett to the County Hospital Board. Motion carried.
HUTF Annual Mileage Report:Oswald moved and Robertson seconded to approve the HUTF Mileage Report for 2018. Motion carried.
Census PSAP: The commissioner's will review this on February 19, 2019.
CDOT Letter of Support:Oswald moved and Robertson seconded the motion to sign the Letter of Support for passing lanes for the US Highway 287 Passing Lane Project. There could be a possibility that these passing lanes will be placed north of Eads near the Kiowa/Cheyenne County line, another at the Prowers/Kiowa line and then the 287 /96 junction 3 miles east of Eads. Motion carried.
811 call in for the roads:A letter will be sent to our State Representatives stating that Kiowa County is opposed to the 811 call in for grading roads. The Commissioner's said there needs to be a common sense approach to this.
Robertson reported he had received a couple of calls from local citizens who had concerns over their county roads not being taken care of. Robertson said he will speak with the road foreman in regards to the two county roads of concern.
Scott moved and Oswald seconded to amend the agenda and add the RESADA position. Scott moved to appoint Sheriff Sheridan to the RESADA Board and have Commissioner Oswald as the alternate to the RESADA Board. Robertson seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Oswald moved and Robertson seconded the motion to sign the 2019 EMPG-LEMS Annual GrantApplicationfor the Division of Emergency Management Office. Motion carried.
R & B Vehicles: RoadForemen Allen Watts, Rick Spady and Jack Howard entered the meeting at 2:48 p.m. to discuss vehicles to transport R & B employees back and forth to work. The Dodge Durango that District 1 has been using has quit working. Oswald moved to purchase the 2014 Dodge 1500 Dodge Ram Pick up from the Sheriff’s Office and Robertson seconded to the motion. Motion carried. Watts also brought up the need to replace three pick ups in the near future. Oswald suggested bringing back price quotes for the purchase of three pickups for the next meeting.
Oswald moved and Robertson seconded the motion to place a bid on the shipping containerfor $3,200.00 or less at the upcoming auction. Motion carried.
Oswald moved and Robertson seconded to adjourn the meeting at 3:45 p.m. Motion carried.
Richard Scott, Chairman of Board
Delisa L. Weeks, County Clerk