Kiowa County Commissioners Meeting Minutes – July 28
The Regular Kiowa County Commissioner meeting was called to order at 09:05 a.m. on July 28, 2016 by Chairman Richard Scott. Scott opened with prayer and the Pledge of Allegiance. Those in Attendance were:
Richard Scott, Chairman
Cindy McLoud, Commissioner
Donald Oswald, Commissioner
Delisa Weeks, County Clerk
Tina Adamson, County Administrator
McLoud moved and Oswald seconded the motion to approve the minutes as presented. All Commissioners voted Affirmative.
Oswald moved and McLoud seconded the motion to approve the agenda as amended. One addition was made. All Commissioners voted Affirmative. Addition to New Business was fencing for the Legion Hall.
Oswald moved to pay vouchers as presented. McLoud seconded the motion. All Commissioners voted Affirmative.
Eric Pearson with RESADA entered the meeting at 09:50 a.m. to introduce himself as the new Director for RESADA. RESADA provide services for drug and alcohol addiction. Pearson said his mission is to keep RESADA a stable working environment and continue to offer various programs/services as they have been. He said some of the programs offered are a week long intensive review and also have a residential treatment program which is 30 days long. Pearson did state the 30 day program starts at $500 dollars per month. Clients are not forced to stay at the RESADA, but are encouraged to stay at the facility. Pearson thanked the Board for their continued support and exited the meeting.
McLoud provided a report on the Jail Diversion Program. The Jail Diversion meeting was an hour before the regular Correction Board Meeting. Mr. Tobin Wright, 16th Chief Probation Officer, provided information on the state/federal level in regards to inmates and the programs that have been implemented and geared for probation clients in an effort to keep people with mental health issues out of jail. Chief Judge Brinkley and Judge Davidson had questions in regards to inmates being housed and whether they are receiving good information to keep them on the correct path. This type of facility will hold life skill classes for parole clients; provide diversion classes and doing assessments for these clients. McLoud said the manager from the Sterling Advantage Facility will be in Lamar at the Corrections Meeting next month to do a presentation.
The Gobble Hays Firm will be here on August 25th to review the Rialto bid with the Commissioners.
Administrator Adamson provided the update on the Fire District. Adamson said there were two additional individuals circulating petitions, trying to aid in gathering enough signatures to get the fire district on the ballot.
The Beer Garden Resolution was tabled indefinitely.
Reports were reviewed and signed.
NEW BUSINESS: Meetings attended by the commissioners were SAGE- The average sage meals purchased by Kiowa County residents is $2.36 and region wide people are donating 76 cents per meal
CKLECC-McLoud was not able to attend, since she was attending a local daycare steering committee meeting.
Belinda Zink, Architect for the Murdock Building Project; had a phone conference with the Commissioners. In discussions, McLoud suggested a change in the scope of work for this project. Zink said she had met with White Construction and was still working on a schedule of values to submit for this project. The final report will be given on August 11th and will be provided to the Commissioners.
Boettcher Grant Award-Kiowa County was awarded a $30,000.00 grant for the Murdock Project. Oswald moved and McLoud seconded to accept the Boettcher Grant Award for the Murdock Project. All Commissioners voted Affirmative.
Administrative Assistant Ray would like to purchase t-shirts for the employees serving Fair Bar-b-que. Ray wanted to purchase 39 t-shirts for approximately $400.00. Scott moved and Oswald seconded the motion to purchase a t-shirt for all employees working the barbeque. All Commissioners voted Affirmative.
McLoud moved to pay the wristband for employees working the fair barbeque. Oswald seconded the motion. All Commissioners voted Affirmative.
Scott moved to pay the wristbands for the Fair Superintendents and one helper for the judging of projects at the fair. Oswald seconded the motion. All Commissioners voted Affirmative.
REDI GRANT-Kiowa County was awarded a $32,000.00 REDI Grant, in which Kiowa County will have to match $16,000.00 of this grant, but had offered $8,000 in the grant application. There was discussion as to where these kinds of funds can be taken from to match this grant. It was suggested holding public meeting in regards as to what kind of improvement the public would like to see at the fairgrounds. The commissioners agreed that with this grant they would like to hire an engineer and have a study completed on the structure and stability of the grandstands. There will be more discussion to come in the upcoming commissioner meetings.
Oswald moved and McLoud to recess for lunch at 11:54 a.m. The meeting reconvened at 1:04 p.m.
Jan Richards with K.C.E.D.F. entered the meeting at 1:05 p.m. to provide information about a multi- family housing complex being built in Eads. Richards has applied for a grant with S.E.C.E.D. and some of the requirements that must be fulfilled are with in-kind work. Richards asked if Kiowa County could do the “initial” gravel work as their in-kind. The Town of Eads will be donating the water hookup as their in- kind work. Richards described the apartments as being a 6 unit complex with a playground area. This will be for low to moderate income families. One apartment will be a handicapped unit. Richards requested a letter of support for the grant. Scott moved and McLoud seconded the motion to issue a letter of support for this grant. All Commissioner voted Affirmative.
OWTS Reporting and permits- Outside Water Treatment System – Keith Seimsen with Prowers County Health and Environment will be issuing the permits and assist with the process of paperwork for sewer systems. Adamson will contact Baca County to see how their contract with PCPHE is set up.
LAVAA Resolution: Lower Arkansas Valley Area on Aging Agency- McLoud moved and Oswald seconded to adopt the Resolution on Aging Resolution 2016-07. All Commissioners voted Affirmative.
Library Board Position: The Library Board presented a letter of recommendation for the open Board Position. Oswald moved to approve the appointment of Kelly Courkamp to the Library Board and McLoud seconded the motion. All Commissioners voted Affirmative.
Sheriff’s Office Credit Card: Oswald moved and McLoud seconded to have the office credit card changed to the Sergeant. All Commissioners voted Affirmative.
The Sheriff’s Office would like to remove two of the three jail cells. This space will hold adult and juvenile cases. With new law and procedures being put in place the sheriff’s office will need to have these cases separated from one another. Oswald moved and McLoud seconded to have the doors and cells removed. The doors are to be saved for later use. All Commissioners voted Affirmative.
In further discussion, Oswald questioned if the county needed to straighten the wrought iron fence around the Legion Hall. This wrought iron fencing was originally around the courthouse years ago and is now around the Legion Hall. The commissioners decided to table this for a later date.
Oswald moved and McLoud seconded to adjourn the meeting at 2:44 p.m. All Commissioners voted Affirmative.
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Delisa L. Weeks, County Clerk Richard Scott, Chairman of Board