Kiowa County Commissioners meeting minutes - February 10, 2022
Kiowa County Courthouse in Eads, Colorado. © Chris Sorensen
The regular meeting of the Kiowa County Commissioners was called to order on February 10, 2022; at 9:05 a.m. by Chairman Donald Oswald. Commissioner Robertson opened the meeting with Prayer and the Pledge of Allegiance. Those in Attendance
- Donald Oswald, Chairman
- Howard "Butch" Robertson, Commissioner
- Mike Lening, Commissioner
- Delisa Weeks, County Clerk
- Tina Adamson, County Administrator
Minutes: Robertson moved, and Oswald seconded the motion to approve the minutes of the January 27, 2022 meeting as presented. Motion carried.
Vouchers: Lening moved and Robertson seconded the motion to approve the vouchers as presented.
Motion carried.
Agenda: Lening moved, and Robertson seconded the motion to approve the amended agenda as presented. Those additions are: Old Business: Veteran's-Tabled and in New Business: Eastern Slope Right of Way, Impact Assistance Grant and CTSI Legislation. Motion carried.
Cindy McLoud, KCEDF Coordinator; entered the meeting at 09:00 to provide an update on the SCEDD housing projects. McLoud had attended a work force housing meeting in Wiley, Colorado where she gathered information on the three lots that will be used for this project. McLoud reported the construction on the project will start in May and should be completed in October of 2022. McLoud thanked the BOCC and remained in the meeting.
Meghan Hillman, Dennis Pearson and Shellie Engelhardt entered the meeting at 10:00 a.m.
Oswald moved, and Robertson seconded the motion to recess the regular meeting and move into the Board of Health meeting at 10:05 a.m. Motion carried. Hillman, Pearson and Engelhard exited the meeting at 10:44 a.m. Oswald moved and Lening seconded to move back into regular session at 10:48 a.m.
Old Business:
Grant Updates: CDOT Transit Housing/RREO- Adamson suggests having a work session to work on the housing grant. Lening moved, and Robertson seconded the motion to apply for the Highway Transportation Grant. This Grant will assist in replacing the damaged signs in Kiowa County. Motion carried.
Landfill/Recycling Update-DOW Fees: The BOCC agreed that DOW debris will be taken in as County trash.
Landfill Manager. Jeff Scranton will be hauling the cardboard and plastics over to Swink for recycling.
Shellie Engelhardt, Kiowa County Emergency Manager; and Larry Long, State Division Fire Commander entered the meeting to present information how the State can assist counties with their wildfire mitigation plan and operation Plan. Mr. Long discussed what types of Mutual Aid the State and Federal Fire could assist other counties with. Mr. Long and Mrs. Engelhardt exited the meeting at 12:07 p.m.
Ambulance Agreement: Lening moved, and Robertson seconded the motion to sign the Ambulance Agreement. Motion carried.
Lening moved, and Oswald seconded the motion to recess the regular meeting for lunch at 12:09 p.m.
The regular meeting reconvened at 1:00 p.m.
Dennis Pearson, Director of Social Services; entered the meeting at 1:00 p.m. to provide a monthly report.
Pearson reported that the Food Stamp program is operating very well. He said that Kiowa County is averaging $50,000.00 a month for this program.
Child Welfare has gone up again.
After further discussions, Lening moved, and Robertson seconded the motion to apply $7500.00 of TANF Funds to KCEDF for the continuation of grant writing for Kiowa County. Motion carried.
Pearson asked for consideration for a $25.00 per day increase for being on call. Discussion followed, with Lening making a motion to approve the increase of $25.00 per day. Oswald seconded the motion. Motion carried. Pearson exited the meeting at 1:55 p.m.
Members of the community entered the meeting to discuss the Alternative Development. Those on attendance were:
- Cindy McLoud
- Presley Mcloud
- Brentley McLoud
- Travis Weaver, Real Estate Agent
- Bob Weber, Community Member
- Doug Tallman, Community Member
- Mary Jo Tallman, Community Member
Mr. Weber opened the meeting stating his concerns over the topic of the landowners and the Sand Creek site. Weber requested that the Commissioners meet with Excel and the surrounding landowners and discuss the issue. Weber feels Excel should take into consideration what the surrounding land owners are going to lose if the Park Service has the 10 mile radius limitation. Doug Tallman said that these property owners will not be included in the wind towers and that maybe the Tribes should be reimbursing the surrounding landowners. Tallman says there needs to be some negotiations going on in regards to the "View Shed" the Tribes want put in place. He said the County is also going to lose out if this limitation is put in place with taxes. The Commissioners agreed they need to have further discussions with Excel and the property landowners. The above mentioned Community Members thanked the BOCC for their time and exited the meeting at 3:15 p.m.
Jace Negley, Town of Eads Interim Fire Chief; entered the meeting to discuss the Demolition Derby slated for September 24, 2022. Negley requested the same fee structure as 2021 and to have a beer garden for this event. The BOCC agreed to the fees and Chairman Oswald advised Negley he would need to work with the Clerk's Office to apply for a Special Permit for a beer garden. Negley thanked the BOCC and exited the meeting at 3:10 p.m.
Eads Town Mayor, Joe Shields entered the meeting to request a Letter of Support for a grant the Town is applying for. The BOCC agreed they would have Adamson draw up a Letter of Support. Chairman, Oswald also asked Mayor Shields if there could be some type of agreement drawn up between the Town and the County stating if the Town does not receive enough funding for the swimming pool property the County would have an option to purchase this property. Shield's requested an agreement be drawn up and presented to the Town for review.
Fair Board: There was lengthy discussion over the Fair Board by Laws. Oswald moved and Robertson seconded the motion to have county fair board members serve a one-year term. Motion carried.
Commissioner Lening would like to see if there could be better communication with the current Fair Board. Oswald moved to table the Fair Board issues until the next meeting. Lening seconded the motion. Motion carried.
1041 Regulations/Permitting: Administrator Adamson will have a resolution for the 1041 Regulations/permitting at the next meeting.
Upcoming Meetings: Meetings and Reports were reviewed and signed.
Financial Policy Review: Robertson moved, and Lening seconded the motion to adopt the Financial Policy Review. Motion carried.
SECED Atmos Letter: Oswald moved, and Robertson seconded the motion to approve the Atmos letter as presented. Motion carried.
KCEDF MOU-Offices: Oswald moved, and Robertson seconded the motion to sign the Kiowa County Economic Development Memorandum of Understanding. Motion carried.
Maintenance Position: Oswald moved, and Lening seconded the motion to offer the job to Tammy Crockett. Motion carried.
Eastern Slope Rural Telephone Right of Way: Lening moved, and Robertson seconded the motion to approve the Right of Way for Eastern Slope Rural Telephone. Motion carried.
Annual Impact Assistant Grant: Robertson moved, and Oswald seconded the motion to approve the Annual Impact Grant. Motion carried.
CTSI Legislation: Oswald moved, and Lening seconded the motion to approve the letter stating opposition for collective bargaining. Motion carried,
With no further business to conduct, Oswald moved, and Lening seconded the motion to adjourn the meeting ·at 6:20. Motion carried.
County Clerk