Flags in front of the Kiowa County Courthouse in Eads, Colorado. The building is surrounded by trees.

Kiowa County Commissioners meeting minutes - February 27, 2025

Kiowa County Courthouse in Eads, Colorado. © Chris Sorensen

(Kiowa County Press)

The Regular meeting of the Kiowa County Commissioners was called to order on, February 27, 2025; at 9:00 a.m. by Chairman Donald Oswald. Commissioner Robertson opened the meeting with prayer and the Pledge of Allegiance.

  • Donald Oswald, Chairman 
  • Howard "Butch" Robertson, Commissioner 
  • Mike Lening, Commissioner 
  • Delisa Weeks, County Clerk
  • Adrienne Yates, Deputy Clerk 
  • Tina Adamson, County Administrator

Minutes: Robertson moved, and Lening seconded the motion to approve the minutes of February 13th, 2025. Motion carried. 

Vouchers: Lening moved, Robertson seconded the motion to approve the vouchers as presented. Motion carried. 

Agenda: Oswald moved to approve the agenda as presented. Lening seconds the motion. Motion carried. 

Oswald moved to approve HUTF miles certification from last meeting, Robertson seconds the motion. Motion carried. 

Members of the Audience: Natacha Kiler, lnvenergy 


Grant Updates: Mini grants -Administrator Adamson is working on the mini grants. Grant options this year are east sidewalks, fairgrounds electric outlets and doors under the grandstands. 

Adamson was in contact with Electrician Chad Bell, who will be submitting an estimate for electrical work at the transit garage and another estimate for the courthouse generator grant. 

Landfill/Recycling Update: The forklift was delivered to the landfill and is in use. 

Housing Update: Oswald updated pending approval from the state, the plan is to get a roof and stucco on unit 3. Six county region has money that can be used. The site must be owned by SECED and falls under Proposition 123. There is also state funding potentially available for down payment assistance as well. Commissioner Lening is concerned with the county buying lots or owning homes. 

Planning and Zoning Update: Natacha Kiler invited the Commissioners to tour the Spring Canyon wind farm in Peetz, Colorado on March 17, 2025. 

Kiler met with Adamson and Road Foreman Allen Watts regarding the road use agreement. 

Road & Bridge: The two newest Road & Bridge employees will be attending CDL training in Pueblo.

Jc Carrica with Valley Wide Health met with Commissioners to thank them for approving the permits for secure transportation. 

Carrica discussed how the cuts of federal funding may affect how many services Valley Wide Health are able to provide. Carrica is interested in renting room space at the Southeast Mental Health Building. 

Upcoming Meeting and Reports were reviewed and signed. 

Oswald moved and Lening seconded the motion to recess the meeting at 11:30 a.m. Motion carried.

Meeting resumed at 1:00 p.m. 

Adamson handed out Monthly Statements and Commissioner reports including 2024 income and expense statements. 

Chad Rouse entered meeting at 1:00 p.m. for scheduled presentation. 

Rouse opened discussion on demolition of pool. Rouse is asking for assistance with removal of materials from the municipal pool area. He has secured funds for asbestos testing and demolition of building and property. Funds Secured are $1,600 for asbestos testing, $12,000 for demolition bid from Tom Haskell. Rouse is only asking for help from the County with removal of material which he would transported to Rouse's property for re-use. The bid was $15,000 more for removal. Robertson asked about grants, Rouse advised the grants available would come in if abatement is needed after testing. Due to regulations for the town and school there is a non-profit process that needs to be followed. This project may go through KCEDF since they are a non-profit. Rouse believes the town is willing to help with the process of demolition and removal but lack the equipment. The town has agreed to provide labor for tasks such as fence removal, and some demo. Oswald is concerned about availability of county workers being dedicated to the pool project vs regular county duties. Rouse has a general timeline for the project as the school is ready to move, he is waiting on KCEDF approval, and Rouse is unsure of the tester's availability. Haskell's earliest available date is May 1 which is further out than Rouse would like to proceed. Lening would like to speak with County Road & Bridge foreman before approving, advised Rouse the County will need as much advanced notice of start date to ensure manpower and equipment is available. Rouse advised he may eventually have a need for county assistance with acquiring dirt for some of the dirt work for the proposed building project and would advise when/if that need arises. Oswald asked what the vision for rec building is. Rouse would like an 80 x 150 building open floor plan for sports to have indoor practice facilities and weight room. Lening would like to speak with his road foreman prior to a BOCC vote. 

Rouse exited meeting at 1:35 p.m. 

New Business:

Per Diem Rates: Current: Daily per diem for food is $30 per day currently, Room rate is $120 per night. Adamson believes the per diem for both should be raised to keep in line with inflation. Adamson suggested $70 per day for food, Lening suggests $75. Room rate suggestion is $190 per night. Lening made the motion to approve, Robertson seconded to raise the per diem to $75 per day for food, $190 per night hotel. Motion carried. 

Domestic Safety Resource Center MOU: Adamson provided copy of standard MOU to BOCC. Lening asked if we have a temporary shelter in place and food per agreement. Adamson said the Resource Center provides this; we do not provide the safehouse only agree that it will be provided by the Domestic Safety Resource Center. Robertson moved and Lening seconds the motion to approve and sign the Domestic Safety Resource Memorandum of Understanding. Motion carried. 

Adamson handed out copies of letter for E911 Board and service providers to collect 911 surcharges. Robertson moved to approve; Oswald seconded. Motion carried. 

Oswald moved, Lening seconded to sign KCHD Telemedicine Grant Letter of Support. Motion carried. 

Lening moved, Robertson seconded to sign Letter of Support for Resound Network's Broadband Grant Application. 

Wyckoff Gravel Pit Application: The application was reviewed with no action taken. 

Resolution 2025-04, 1041 Permitting Moratorium: Natacha Kiler with lnvenergy asked the BOCC to reconsider the 1041 Moratorium which would impair the progress of the project. Adamson said the moratorium does not stop the projects that are currently permitted, unless there has been a suspension placed on the permit. Kiler asked the BOCC to reconsider voting in favor of the moratorium. 

After further review and discussion, Oswald moved and Lening seconded the motion to adopt the 1041 permitting Moratorium. Oswald requested roll call be taken. Roll Call-Robertson-yes, Lening-yes and Oswald- yes. Motion carried. 

The next regular Commissioner's meeting is March 13, 2025, at 9:00 a.m. 

With no other business to conduct, Robertson moved and Oswald seconded the motion to adjourn the meeting at 2:45 p.m. Motion carried.

Donald Oswald, Chairman

Delisa Weeks, County Clerk