Kiowa County Commissioners meeting minutes - January 30, 2025
Kiowa County Courthouse in Eads, Colorado. © Chris Sorensen
The Regular meeting of the Kiowa County Commissioners was called to order on, January 30, 2025; at 9:00 a.m. by Chairman Donald Oswald. Lening opened the meeting with prayer and the Pledge of Allegiance.
- Donald Oswald, Chairman
- Howard "Butch" Robertson Commissioner
- Mike Lening, Commissioner
- Delisa Weeks, County Clerk
- Tina Adamson, County Administrator
Minutes: Robertson moved, and Lening seconded the motion to approve the minutes of January 14, 2025. Motion carried.
Vouchers: Lening moved, Robertson seconded the motion to approve the vouchers as presented. Motion carried.
Agenda: Oswald moved to approve the agenda with the three additions. Building Permits, Dues and Approval of Board Appointees were the additions to the agenda. Robertson seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Members of the Audience: Kiowa County Treasurer, Diana Flory entered the meeting at 9:30 a.m. to further discuss the previous motion in regard to the funding for investing through lntraFi. Lening moved and Robertson seconded the motion to rescind the motion that was made at the previous meeting in regard to the approval of investing with lntraFi. Motion carried.
Chairman Oswald then moved to approve the investing through lntraFi. Robertson seconded the motion. Roll Call was taken. Robertson-Yes and OswaldYes Lening-Abstained. Motion carried.
Grant Updates: The Underfunded grant and Mini Grants were completed for 2024.
Oswald had been speaking with Cindy McLoud in regards to grants and what is available.
Landfill/Recycling Update: Administrator Adamson reported the AEC had submitted the approved EDOP Plan which includes the Waste Tire EDOP. The State is wanting the Waste Tire EDOP using their template and it will cost the County $2,600.00 to have AEC complete the plan using the States template. Chairman Oswald has concerns that the County is going to have to pay twice for the review of the Plan.
Sheriff Williams and Undersheriff Marlow entered the meeting at 10:50 to discuss the need for new surveillance equipment. They explained the current system is starting to have some issues in the recording part. The BOCC said they will review and let the Sheriff's Office know. Both, Sheriff and Undersheriff exited the meeting at 10:43 a.m.
Shellie Engelhardt, EMS Coordinator, entered the meeting at 10:30 a.m. to provide a monthly report of activities she has assisted emergency services throughout the month of January. She reported that the Southeast Region All Hazard Board will be reviewing and updating their Policies and Procedures. She explained she would need an alternate to attend these Regional meeting in case she would not be able to attend their monthly meetings.
Englehardt presented a flyer in regards to the continuation of people receiving Emergency Alerts. She explained that since the Alert and Warning system is moving to Rocky Ford she will need to update our county residents information. She is encouraging the public to attend one of the two dates for sign up. The two dates for in-person enrollment are February 17, 2025 or March 17, 2025 from 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. at the Eads Senior Citizens Building.
Englehardt will be attending the CEMA Annual Conference in Loveland, CO on February 10-13th
Englehardt exited the meeting at 10:55 a.m.
Housing Update: Stephanie Gonzales, with SECED and Teal Hemphill will be touring the Cactus Corner Apartments today to take inventory of what it will take to complete them. Gonzales said if they can get everyone on the same schedule, apartments 1 and 2 could be completed in 4 weeks. Gonzales and Hemphill exited the meeting at 11:54 a.m.
Robertson moved and Oswald seconded the motion to recess the meeting for the lunch hour at 12:09 p.m. Motion carried. The regular meeting reconvened at 1:00 p.m.
Ambulance Resolution: Administrator Adamson presented Resolution# 2025-01 which is adopting Kiowa County authorization to operate ambulance services within the county's jurisdiction.
E-911 Surcharge Letter: Change of Authority: Adamson has prepared a letter to send to the phone companies that collect fees for the 911 services. After reviewing, Oswald moved and Lening seconded the motion to sign the Surcharge Letter. Motion carried.
Towner Recreation District: Adoption of Budget: Robertson moved and Lening seconded to approve the Adoption of the Budget. Motion carried.
Lening moved and Oswald seconded to the motion to approve Commissioner Robertson as the Alternate designee for the Emergency Services. Motion carried.
COSI County Allocation: Robertson moved and Lening seconded the motion to sign the County allocation for COSI. Motion carried. This is a scholarship for area college students that may qualify for scholarships and financial aid.
Cost Allocation Plan-MGT Service Agreement: Lening moved and Robertson seconded to sign the service agreement as presented. Motion carried.
2023 Audit Presentation Letter: Robertson moved and Oswald seconded to sign the 2023 Audit Presentation Letter. Motion carried.
2023 Public Health Cost Allocation Plan: Lening moved and Robertson seconded to sign the Public Health Cost Allocation Plan. Motion carried.
Kiowa County Independent request (virtual meetings): Robertson moved and Lening seconded the motion NOT to have virtual meetings. The BOCC feel that if there is something on the agenda that needs to be heard, the individual or business can attend in person.
Employee Resignation: The BOCC would like to thank Traci Uhland for her service in the Clerk's Office.
Building Permit: Three permits that were approved by the Planning and Zoning Board which were presented to the BOCC. Lening moved, and Oswald seconded, to approve a single wide home. Motion carried.
Robertson moved and Lening seconded the motion to a calving barn. Motion carried.
Oswald moved and Lening seconded to approve a garage that is being constructed. Motion carried.
Discussion: The Small Business Development has requested the continued $1000.00 dues for 2025. Chairman Oswald requested that the Coordinator of SBD be contacted and ask them to visit with the BOCC before any decision is made.
Chamber of Commerce: Robertson moved, and Lening seconded the motion to a $125.00 donation from Kiowa County to Eads Chamber of Commerce. Motion carried.
Dues: After some discussion, Lening moved and Robertson seconded to donate $4,000.00 to Kiowa County Economic Development. Motion carried.
Approval of Board Appointees: Lening moved and Robertson seconded the motion to approve and appoint Amy Schmidt to the Towner Recreation Board. Motion carried.
Jeff Scranton, Kiowa County Landfill Foreman entered the meeting at 2:55 p.m. to provide his yearly report for the landfill.
Scranton reported that there was 1,634,620 pounds of trash taken in for 2024, 140,250 pounds of yard waste, 42,070 pounds of metal, 239,840 pounds of cement and 1,890 pounds of E-Waste (computers, monitors, TV's). There were also 700 tires that were recycled.
Scranton said the recycling center could definitely use a new forklift. Discussion ensued over the purchase of a forklift. Robertson moved and Lening seconded to the purchase of a propane forklift for the recycling center.
Motion carried. Scranton thanked the BOCC for their time and exited the meeting.
The next regular meeting will be held on February 13, 2025 at 9:00 a.m.
With no further business to discuss, Oswald moved and Robertson seconded to adjourn the meeting at 4:52 p.m. Motion carried.