Kiowa County Commissioners meeting minutes - September 29, 2022
Kiowa County Courthouse in Eads, Colorado. © Chris Sorensen
The Regular meeting of the Kiowa County Commissioners was called to order on September 29, 2022, at 9:00 a.m. by Chairman Donald Oswald. Chairman Oswald opened the meeting with prayer and the Pledge of Allegiance.
- Donald Oswald, Chairman
- Howard "Butch" Robertson, Commissioner Mike Lening, Commissioner
- Delisa Weeks, County Clerk
- Tina Adamson, County Administrator
- Members of the audience: Bryan Williams and Cindy McLoud
Minutes: Robertson moved, and Lening seconded the motion to approve the minutes with one correction. Motion carried.
Vouchers: Robertson, moved and Lening seconded the motion to approve the vouchers as presented. Motion carried.
Agenda: Oswald moved, and Robertson seconded the motion to approve the agenda as amended. Three additions to New Business: 1. 30 X 3- Land Grab Resolution, Convection Oven at Prairie Pines and Budget - Salaries for 2023. Motion carried.
Cindy McLoud provided a report on the grants she is assisting with through Kiowa County Economic Development. To date McLoud has assisted with:
The Murdock building, Eads Senior Citizens, Legion Hall and the new water line at 13th and Maine.
Grant Updates:
RREO Grant has been completed. The county had 270 tons of tire shreds.
Administrator Adamson reported that Scranton is making lids for the Roll Off dumpsters.
Mini Grant: Administrator Adamson is still receiving bids on the flooring for the courthouse.
There will be a work session on October 3rd for the BOCC to discuss further on the C-DOT Grant and the 2023 budget.
Oswald moved, and Robertson seconded the motion to recess the regular meeting at 10:00 am and move into the Public Hearing for the Tri State Generation & Transmission 1041 Permit. Motion carried. Those present who represented with Tri State: Paul Scrivens, Denise Gibbons, Steve Gray and Selena Koler. Other in attendance were;
Michelle Nelson-Agri Tech Consulting, Jerry Allen-Planning and Zoning, Cindy McLoud-KCEDF, Bryan Williams, Roger Saffer-Planning and Zoning, Jordan Weirich-Admin Assistant, Kent Johnston-Planning and Zoning, Darlene Scranton Specht-Kiowa County Special Attorney, Betsy Barnett-Kiowa County Independent and attending virtually, Donald Steerman, Kiowa County Attorney.
Selena Kaler, Environmentalist for Tri State began the meeting with a PowerPoint presentation. Kaler described the project which includes a 24-mile transmission line constructed in Kiowa County. They have been in contact with each landowner and requested approval from them. The BOCC will prepare a Resolution regarding the 1041 permitting.
Members of the audience were able to ask questions.
Attorney Darla Specht reviewed and approved all of the corrections or additions Tri-State made to the staff recommendations for the 1041 permit.
Fees for further permitting will be discussed at the October 13th meeting.
There were no negative comments made concerning the Tri-State 230kv Burlington -Lamar transmission Line Project
Lening moved, and Robertson seconded to end the hearing and move back into regular meeting at 10:53 am. Motion carried.
Housing Project Update: Chairman Oswald reported the contractors have been back at the Cactus Corners laying cement.
Joe Shields, Mayor for the Town of Eads, Kathy McCracken, Councilwoman for the Town of Eads, Undersheriff Kayla Murdock and Sharon Koch entered the meeting to discuss the Animal Ordinance and Permitting procedure. There have been complaints filed on the excessive number of ducks and chickens at an individual residence. The odor of all the animals and the feces that is on the patio of the neighbor has become an issue. The concern raised was the lack of interest of the individual going to the town administration office and applying for an animal permit. Undersheriff Kayla Frederick and a Deputy has been addressing the complaint that was filed with the Sheriff's Office.
Undersheriff Murdock said the Sheriff's Office will issue a citation if deemed necessary.
Mayor Shields, assured the BOCC a new ordinance will be drawn up addressing the maximum number of livestock or flock a resident can have within city limits.
Councilwoman McCracken, Sharon Koch and Mayor Shields exited the meeting at 11:55 a.m.
Sheriff Vehicle Update: Undersheriff Murdock reported one of the Sheriff's Chargers is repaired and in use. Murdock said they had not received an estimate on the most recent vehicle accident.
Oswald moved, and Robertson seconded the motion to recess for the lunch hour. at 12:07p.m. Motion carried.
The regular meeting reconvened at 1:02 p.m.
Estimate Review: Robertson moved, and Oswald seconded the motion to approve K-Power to do LED lighting conversion in the arena. Motion carried. The County does have grant funding to cover a portion of this project
Claire Prince entered the meeting to discuss the use of the big room in the Bransgrove building. No action taken.
Upcoming Meeting and Reports: Reports and meeting updates were discussed and signed.
Time Off Request Forms: Lening moved, and Robertson seconded the motion to approve the one request. Motion carried.
Rural Jump Start Resolution: Tabled until next meeting.
Employee Resignation: Wanda Lessenden sent a letter of resignation as West End Senior Citizen Coordinator. The BOCC would like to thank Wanda Lessenden for all the years of service she has done for the community.
Barbara Scranton: Roll Off Dumpster Rental: Barbara Scranton entered the meeting to request the use of a roll off dumpster for two weeks. Scranton explained that she is remodeling a home and has a lot of debris she needs to remove. Oswald moved, and Robertson seconded the motion of $250.00 for two weeks. Motion carried. Barbara Scranton thanked the BOCC and exited the meeting.
Arns Building Permit: Lening moved, and Robertson seconded to approve permit for the construction of 6 grain bins. Motion carried.
Mileage Rate for Land Use: Jerry Allen, Planning & Zoning Consultant, requested a rate increase for mileage to $0.625 per mile for business with the County. Lening moved to increase the county mileage rate to $0.625 per mile. Robertson seconded and the motion carried.
Audit Presentation Letter: Robertson moved, and Lening seconded to sign the Audit Representation Letter to forward onto the State. Motion carried.
Recommittal Letter: Oswald moved, and Lening seconded to approve the recommittal letter which allows Ronnie Farmer to continue as the County Auditor for 2022-2023 year. Motion carried.
GNBank ACH Origination Agreement: Robertson moved, and Oswald seconded the motion to sign the ACH Origination Agreement. Motion carried.
Prairie Pines Oven: The BOCC is not interested in the convection oven that Prairie Pines replaced.
Fair Review: Those present for the Fair Update at 2:30 p.m.: Tim Trosper, Tearle Lessenden, County Extension Agent; Road Foremen; Allen Watts and Rick Spady, County Maintenance Foreman Nick Johnson and Fair Board member, Areta Laird.
Extension Agent Lessenden discussed the sunscreen on the west side of the pavilion. Lessenden said there is an issue when the sun is beginning to set and there is such a glare it is hard for the judging of animals to be completed. Lessenden suggested possibly putting tin down halfway on the west side of the pavilion to allow some shade. Another concern was for the animals as several pigs overheated at fair.
Electrical is still an issue out at the fairgrounds. The Road Foremen both agreed there needs to be some additional upkeep on the ovens that cook the meat and possibility of adding solar, that way if the electricity was to go out the meat could continue cooking.
Administrator Adamson will make a list of items that need to be updated or replaced so the above-mentioned departments can begin working on the projects. She will be contacting the electrical company in regarding the different outlets that need to be added throughout the fairgrounds.
Those listed above exited the meeting at 3:45 p.m.
Signage: Oswald moved, and Lening seconded the motion to approve signage for the Zach Gifford Memorial. Motion carried.
Salaries: Discussion followed over salaries with the county Road & Bridge Department. There have not been any applications received for open positions. The BOCC will be setting a work session to discuss this matter further.
Oswald moved, and Lening seconded the motion to adjourn the meeting at 5:10 p.m. Motion carried.
/s/ Delisa L. Weeks
County Clerk
/s/ Donald Oswald