Kiowa County Commissioners Minutes - February 25
Kiowa County Courthouse in Eads, Colorado. © Chris Sorensen
The Kiowa County Commissioner meeting was called to order by Chairman Richard Scott on February 25, 2016 at 9:00a.m. Oswald opened the meeting with prayer and the Pledge of Allegiance. Those attending the meeting were:
Richard Scott, Chairman of the Board
Cindy McLoud, Commissioner
Donald Oswald, Commissioner
Delisa Weeks, County Clerk
Tina Adamson, Kiowa County Administrator
Scott moved and McLoud seconded the motion to accept the minutes as presented. All Commissioners voted Affirmative.
The Sheridan Lake Water District special Meeting minutes were presented. Oswald moved and McLoud seconded the motion to accept the minutes as presented. All Commissioners voted Affirmative.
Scott moved and McLoud seconded to approve vouchers as presented. Two vouchers were held for clarification. All Commissioners voted Affirmative.
Scott moved and Oswald seconded the motion to approve to the Agenda with the following additions: Tax Lien Signature, Brownfield Solar Energy, E-Waste and Draft Horse. All Commissioners voted Affirmative.
Kemma Eikenberg entered the meeting at 9:30 a.m. to provide an update for the Library District. Eikenberg reported there were 152 e-books checked throughout 2015. The Library has had a continuous book sale. Eikenberg said it is going well. The summer reading program had 38 kids attend with 4 youth helpers.
Eikenberg thanked the commissioners for the 2 computers that were donated to the library. She also reported the library will receive 4 new desktops computers in 2016.
Eikenberg will be assisting with EBSCO training for the school systems. This program is a database for homework help that will be run through the schools. She also said in April the Library will go to the preschools and will read with the four year old for the program called One Book for Colorado. Eikenberg said each of the 4 year old pre-school children will receive a copy of the book that is being read to them. Eikenberg thanked the commissioners for their time and invited them down to visit the Library.
County Assessor Marci Miller entered the meeting at 10:06 a.m. to listen to a phone conference with Gary Hunter who is with Railroad Industries Incorporated. Hunter is going to assist the Assessor’s Office with the valuation. The Commissioners and the Assessor agree that it would be beneficial for the county to have Mr. Hunter do an appraisal so that the value the county places on V & S Railway is more reflective of the actual net liquidation value. V & S Railway has the approximately 84 mile rail line through Kiowa County. Assessor Miller said Kiowa County has a value of 2.6 million dollars based on low scrap value, which is not a true representation of the value. After lengthy discussion Mr. Hunter said he would gather the information and be in contact with the commissioners. Assessor Miller exited the meeting at 10:50 a.m.
Jan Richards and Pat Palmer entered the meeting at 10:52 a.m. Mr. Palmer, a member of the Prowers County Lodging Tax Board provided information on Room Tax and Lodging Tax. Mr. Palmer gave an example of how a 40 room motel would generate about $7,500 dollars a year for the county. Richards said if the county jumped on board with this it would not affect the local citizens but those who travel through Kiowa County and stay at the local lodging facilities. The commissioners agreed they would need to look into this and discuss it more. Mr. Palmer thanked the board and exited the meeting.
Jan Richards with KCEDF presented information in regards to a sewing center in Haswell. Richards said they have a business in Wray and they are seeking to open another business up in this area. Richards went to Haswell Town Council and presented the information and suggested the old Haswell School as a possible site. This business would provide 8 jobs possibly. Richards said she was going to travel to Wray to check the facility and business out and see if this is something that would be beneficial to Kiowa County.
Richards also reported that water from Pueblo Lake was going to be released and that it would be going into Queens and Nee Noshe Lakes. Richards said she would like to start promoting the lakes again. Commissioners agreed.
Pricilla Waggoner with the Independent entered the meeting at 11:20 a.m. She exited at noon.
Oswald moved and Scott seconded the motion to adjourn for lunch. All Commissioners voted Affirmative.
Meeting reconvened at 1:02 p.m.
Elise Crockett, Event Planner for the fairgrounds entered the meeting to present information on a flea market in June. Crockett plans to have other events for children throughout the flea market weekend. More information will follow once the date is confirmed.
Pricilla Waggoner with the Independent entered the meeting at 1:45 pm
Adamson reported some of the fair board members were requesting use of the community building for their monthly meetings. It was decided they could continue using the meeting room in the courthouse basement.
Grants were discussed. McLoud reported the Adolph Coors Grant is due March 1st. Oswald is very concerned about the remaining amount it is going to take to complete the Senior Center. Belinda Zink, Architect for the Murdock Building presented an estimate of $402, 905.00 left to complete the Senior Citizen Building. McLoud is hoping the Adolf Coors Foundation and the Daniel’s Foundation will kick in more funds. Oswald asked McLoud where the other $102,000.00 is going to come from. Scott said this has escalated since Kiowa County applied for the DOLA grant. Scott said early on the figure to complete this project was estimated to be a little over 1.2 million but the way it looks now it will now be over 3 million to complete. Scott says he wants to get the partners all together and review this project. This project has been going on for at least 9 years and none of the interior portion of this building has yet to been started. Oswald asked McLoud what the next step was going to be and she said all she could do is apply for more grant funding.
Adamson spoke with the State Historical Society about another survey on the Rialto. The previous historical survey stated there was no historical significance to the building, but the State Historical Office needs to know how it could affect the value of the Maine Street History.
Stepping Up Iniative application was accepted only those registered can attended. McLoud will be gone from April 17 thru the 19tht.
Railroad Update was provided by Adamson. Adamson presented a Letter of Support for the KCVN/CPRR Feeder Line. Oswald moved to sign the Letter of Support for the purchase of the Towner Line. McLoud seconded the motion. All Commissioners voted Affirmative.
The Road Foremen from each district entered the meeting to discuss the gravel hauling for the new Love’s Store. Commissioner Scott said Al Rite Paving & Redi Mix wanted to purchase the gravel from the Barnett and Aldrich Pits. There will be 70,000 tons of gravel to be hauled which would be approximately 2900 loads of gravel. The contractor will be doing all the hauling and loading. All the county will need to do is keep track of the load count. The Love’s project is planning to start in late March to early April.
Foreman Watts asked who was to do the upkeep on the DTR Tower by Sheridan Lake. The State used to maintain the site but it is now handled by the county.
Undersheriff Six entered the meeting to announce Deputy Robison had been promoted to Sergeant. Undersheriff Six was also questioned about two vouchers and asked to put more information on the vouchers. Undersheriff Six is also to provide a list of weapons with serial numbers to the commissioner’s office.
Oswald moved and McLoud seconded to sign the Tax Lien Certificate 192010. All Commissioners voted Affirmative.
The Lazy Day Draft Horse voucher had already been approved by all commissioners.
The next Commissioner’s Meeting will be March 15, 2016 at 9:00 a.m.
Oswald moved McLoud seconded to adjourn the meeting. All Commissioners voted affirmative.