Kiowa County Extension Annual Report 2017
2017 has been an exciting year with many positive changes in the Kiowa County Extension Office. Jeramy McNeely began as the new Extension Agent on January 3, 2017 and brought with him a depth of experience and lots of enthusiasm.
During the year the office has seen changes of all kinds, including a physical facelift as we painted and cleaned the entire office. Additionally youth enjoyed new opportunities, and producers and community members alike were very pleased to have an Agent so willing and able to walk the fields with them and find answers to their questions.
The information below gives a limited snapshot into some efforts and events we worked on.
During the 2017 Extension year the Kiowa County Extension Office made more than 2195 contacts by phone or in person related to the following areas:
Youth: 682 Agriculture: 306
Fair: 582 Livestock: 373
Admin.: 148 Media: 45
CoCoRaHs: 194 Misc.: 53
A total of 3011 emails and text messages were sent during the 2017 year related to Youth, 4-H, CoCoRaHs, Agriculture, Livestock and County related. In addition, approximately 6313 emails and text messages were received during this year.
A total of 594 items were mailed during the year related to 4-H/Youth, Kiowa County Fair & Rodeo, Agriculture & Labs, and Administration.
1/10 Jeramy met with Commissioners
1/12 Jeramy met with Lindsay Todd, the Eads FFA Teacher
1/16 The courthouse was closed due to winter weather
1/19 Jeramy went to Educators In-Service in Goodwell, OK
1/23 Jeramy went to Drought Workshop in Kirk, CO
1/26 Jeramy met with Travis Taylor in Lincoln County regarding judging teams
1/27 Jeramy attended the Plainsman Research Annual Meeting
2/2 Travelled to Lamar to help with SCALE Event
2/6 Retinal scanning training in Douglas County
2/7 Fair Board Meeting
2/8 Cheyenne Leader Training
2/9 Farm & Ranch Symposium in Rocky Ford
2/13 AgFest conference call/meeting
2/14 Jeramy met with the Commissioners
2/15 Staff Meeting in Lamar
2/22 Kiowa County 4-H Leader Training 6-8 pm
2/27 Jan Carrol w/ CSU here for PTI training
3/1 Extension office hosted & facilitated the Colorado Ag Blueprint Workshop
3/1 Jeramy organized and held annual Kiowa Advisory Meeting
3/7 Jeramy attended the Fair Board meeting
3/14 Jeramy attended the Kiowa County Commissioners Meeting
3/27 Karen held meeting with Open Class Committee
3/28 SEA Advisory Meeting was held in Lamar
3/29 Jeramy attended a farm bill listening session in Lamar
4/3 Jeramy attended the 4-H Council meeting
4/4 Jeramy attended the Fair Board monthly meeting
4/17 Jeramy met w/ Kaye Kasza to discuss Bent County Fair
4/23 Karen attended the Prairie Queen 4-H meeting
4/26 Karen met with Charles Thompson with USDA Rural Development
5/2 Jeramy attended Kiowa County Fair Board meeting
5/5 Karen conducted meeting of the County Fair Open Class Committee
5/8 Jeramy assisted with the Drug Awareness Assembly
5/9-11 Jeramy attended Regional Meeting in Burlington
5/16 Jeramy attended interviews for Prowers County Agent position
5/21 Karen assisted with 4-H fundraiser concession stand
5/22 Jeramy & Karen met with Fair Board members at fair grounds to assist with planning
5/29 Jeramy & Karen worked at Small Animal Weigh-In
5/31 Jeramy took 4-H members to the “Be Somebody” Camp
Jeramy participated in two Zoom meetings
6/29 - Jeramy attended the Kiowa County Commissioners Meeting on 6/29 with Bruce Fickenscher, Interim Area Director District VI.
7/11 – Jeramy attended the Bent County Fair Board meeting
7/11 – Karen attended the Kiowa County Fair Board meeting
8/10 – Attended Commissioner meeting
8/11 – Karen held meeting for Open Class Committee
8/22 – Attended interviews for Prowers 4-H position
8/22 – Held Concession Stand Committee meeting
8/23 – Held staff meeting to go over upcoming fair
9/18 Jeramy held a District 6 Shooting Sports Committee meeting in Las Animas
10/11 – Attended 4-H Agents meeting in Lamar
10/15 – Livestock Committee Meeting
10/19 – SEA Advisory meeting in Las Animas
10/24-10/26 – Extension FORUM in Fort Collins
10/31 – Interviews for SEA FCS position in Otero/Crowley counties
11/14 – Jeramy met with Commissioners for quarterly report
11/15 – Jeramy & Karen attended LEPC meeting, toured local COOP
Met with Commissioners for Quarterly Report
2/2 Zoom meeting: District Retreat
2/6 4-H Council Meeting
2/11 Steer Weigh-In from 9-12
2/11 Cloverbud Meeting
2/13 Livestock Judging Class 6:30 pm
2/18 Judging Practice in Limon
2/19 Prairie Queen Club Meeting 3:00 pm
2/20 Sheridan Lake Club Meeting 6:30 pm
2/28 Zoom meeting: Camp Go-West
Karen attended the Prairie Queen Club meeting
3/23 the Extension office held the MQA training at the fairgrounds with 32 kids attending.
Jeramy helped teach at AGFEST at Peterson Air Force Base
Jeramy found a speaker for a drug awareness event to be held at Eads High School. Invited Plainview and Kit Carson to attend.
Sent letter to livestock exhibitors concerning rule changes for 2017 fair.
Checked in on the SECPA fundraiser dinner
Jeramy worked on drug awareness assembly, lined up speaker, venue, raised $1550 for event
Built raised garden boxes for assisted living
Reported on market beef weigh-ins and leader trainings for quarterly report
Updated county 4-H website
Took kids to livestock judging contest in both Hugo and Sterling
Karen attended the Prairie Queen Club meeting
Taught area kids about GPS technology for 4 days during AGFEST in Lamar, La Junta, and Trinidad
Registered kids for Be Somebody Program
Worked on finding judges for fair and exhibit day
Updated 4-H information on website
Drug Awareness Assembly aimed at youth
Completed finding judges for fair and exhibit day
Worked with kids on livestock judging in Elbert County
Ordered awards for District VI Shooting Sports event
Conducted Small Animal weigh-in
Took members to “Be Somebody” event
6/3 – Oversee Cloverbud gardening project at Prairie Pines assisted living facility
6/5 – 4-H Council Meeting
6/6 – Bent County 4-H Council Meeting
6/11 – Karen assisted DYD Clothing group in Extension Office
6/14-15 – Took 4 kids to Caballeros & Clovers Camp
6/19 – District VI Shooting Committee meeting in La Junta
6/20-22 – Took 2 kids to State 4-H Conference
6/25 – Held a Showmanship clinic at the fairgrounds
Helped set up range in La Junta for District VI Shooting Competition
Gathered goat DNA samples for Bent County 4-Her in McClave
Finished reserving judges for Bent County Fair
Set up and contacted Kiowa, Prowers and Bent Counties Fashion Revue contests
Finished tagging Member pigs for fair
7/1 – Jeramy held the inaugural District VI Shoot in La Junta
7/5-6 – Jeramy attended Go West Camp in Rye
7/12 – Extension Office co-hosted a USDA business presentation in Eads
7/13 – Jeramy and Karen held the tri-county Fashion Revue Contest
7/15 – Jeramy ran the Bent County Shoot
7/18 – Helped with summer reading program and used Americorp to do programming
7/21 – Karen assisted a 4-H leader in the office after hours
7/29 – Karen assisted/oversaw the Council concession stand at Maine Street Bash
Worked to get ready for Bent County Fair
Jeramy spent entire last week of July filling in Extension duties for Bent County Fair
Jeramy held two open scale nights
Confirmed judges for Fair
Held Exhibit Day
Farm visit to weigh 4-H pigs
Judged round robins in Cheyenne and Prowers Counties
Took State Exhibits to Pueblo
Went to Bent County to borrow panels for livestock
Set up pens under the pavilion
Assisted Fair Board members to set up Open Class building
Assisted in cleaning Community Building, ready for fair
Worked on 4-H newsletter
Worked on monthly report
Jeramy retrieved exhibits from State Fair
Kiowa County Fair
Help tear down panels after Fair and returned Bent County’s panels
Judged record books for Bent County and Kiowa County
Made a schematic and folder for pen set up for next year’s fair
Sent fair results to media for publishing
Made recruitment poster for National 4-H Week
Made Power Point slides for Bill Nobles
Sent recruitment email for county council elections
Worked on 4-H newsletter
Worked on monthly report
Attended 4-H Council Meeting and election of officers
Presented 4-H recruitment at Plainview school
Worked on script, certificates, etc for achievement banquet, took large amount of time
Drove to Burlington to retrieve livestock checks from fair
Attended Prairie Queen Club meeting
Sent emails encouraging early enrollment
Updated website and Facebook with enrollment information
Worked on 4-H newsletter
Sent 4-H email starting new animal projects
Researched grant opportunities, applied for 4-H Garden grant
Began learning animation software to enhance record book videos
Worked with Travis Taylor in Lincoln County, developing videos that will guide 4-Hers in completing their Record Books
Posted a youth profit calculator on website
Other Outreach
Jeramy submitted 5 articles to the press this month which were published, 1 for the SE Area,
4 for his weekly “From the Extension Agent’s Desk” column
Jeramy gave a radio interview with KVAY concerning his SE Area article.
During this month Jeramy also met with the FSA and the NRCS offices. He spent time prior to office hours meeting with local producers to better understand their needs.
Jeramy began work on drug prevention and awareness strategies. This involved meeting with the Kiowa County Social Services, Eads High School, Kiowa County Health, Southeast Health Group and Crossroads Rehab Center.
Jeramy submitted 5 articles to the press this month which were published:
4 for his weekly “From the Extension Agent’s Desk” column
Jeramy submitted 3 articles to the media this month which were published
in his weekly “From the Extension Agent’s Desk” column
Jeramy created a Kiowa County Producer Email Blast list and sent out information on the brown wheat mite
Jeramy conducted a lawn inspection for T. Witte, and also a tree inspection for L. Negley
Jeramy organized a District Shooting Sports meeting in Las Animas
Extension submitted 3 lab requests to Ward lab
Jeramy submitted 2 articles to the media this month which were published
in his weekly “From the Extension Agent’s Desk” column, and one Southeast Area Says article
Jeramy created a Kiowa County Producer Email Blast list and sent out information on various current topics
Jeramy conducted a lawn inspection for T. Witte, and also a tree inspection for L. Negley
Jeramy organized a District Shooting Sports meeting in Las Animas
Extension submitted 4 lab requests to Ward lab and one plant diagnostic to CSU lab
Lawn and tree inspection in Haswell
Surveyed a tree stump in Kit Carson and gave recommendations
Area zoom meeting
Attended commissioners meeting
Researched lamb information for Haswell resident
Met with Bruce F. to set up retinal scanner in Ordway
Received and delivered ordered trees
Jeramy sent out 9 emails to the Producer’s Blast group on several topics:
Value Added Producer Grants
Farm Labor Housing
Wheat Streak Mosaic Virus
West Nile Virus
Crop Water use and Growth Stages
Colorado Hay Directory
Perennial Wheat
Long-term Care Planning
Beef Antibiotics
Jeramy submitted 3 articles to the media this month which were published
in his weekly “From the Extension Agent’s Desk” column on the topics of agriculture, livestock judging and other pertinent issues.
Jeramy ran point and facilitated a Drug Awareness Assembly for youth and others that was well attended and lauded by many.
Jeramy completed a weed identification for a county resident
Updated County Extension website
Attended Prowers County interviews
Gathered goat DNA samples
Attended Kiowa County conservation meeting
Met with About F.A.C.E.
Attended Fair Board Meeting
Began tagging and weighing pigs
Facilitated Bent County weigh-in
Helped local producers
Branded calves
Completed the 2017 Fair Book
Jeramy sent out 5 emails to the Producer’s Blast group on several topics
Jeramy submitted 2 articles to the media this month which were published
in his weekly “From the Extension Agent’s Desk” column on the topics of agriculture and other pertinent issues.
Jeramy identified a fungus for the Eads Golf Course
Researched rabbit eradication techniques
Researched ant eradication in the cropland including campus staff
Studied and completed changes to the Extension website to be ADA compliant
Set up air rifle trailer for Maine Street Bash
Contacted Americorps intern for library presentation in July
Contacted Jr. Livestock Committee for approval of livestock buyer gifts
Helped local producers
Submitted a reference letter for Life CONsequences
Wrote quarterly report article covering AgFest
Jeramy sent out 3 emails to the Producer’s Blast group on several topics
Jeramy submitted 4 articles to the media this month which were published
in his weekly “From the Extension Agent’s Desk” column on the topics of agriculture and other pertinent issues.
Jeramy identified two weeds for residents
Identified snake for resident
Retrieved chicken cages from Bent County
Answered producer question regarding growing Triticale
Helped locate Lessor for lessee on pasture ground
Lined up milo farmer for Senator Gardner visit
Did two tree inspections involving forest service on one
Went on milo tour with Senator Gardner
Sent 3 producer emails, wrote two ‘From the Agent’ articles
Rest of the month was busy working to be ready for fair
Researched soil ph for growing blueberries
Gathered a soil sample for Delores Eikenberg in Haswell for lab testing
Talked with NRCS personnel about a weed id issue
Attended Colorado County Agent’s Association Retreat at Stagecoach Reservoir
Sent 1 producer email and wrote two newspaper articles
Created corral design for Kevin Davis
Wrote two newspaper articles
Karen worked with CoCoRaHS volunteers as October is end-of-year for data gathering
Sent producer email on ‘Protecting Financial Future’
Sent producer email on ‘Leaving Tall Stubble’
Researched culling rates on breeding goats for FSA
Researched marketing cull cows
Wrote article – Fall & Winter watering
Researched farm subsidies
Producer email on ‘Controlling Mustard in Wheat’
Met with producers at coffee shop to try to sell some trees
Producer emails on ‘Tax Loopholes & marketing local beef’
Researched Selenium toxicity for Abby Weber, utilized Extension vet team
Wrote article – Small Steps to Health and Wealth
Producer email on ‘Buying vs Raising Replacement Heifers’
Started Kiowa County Extension Blogsite