Flags in front of the Kiowa County Courthouse in Eads, Colorado. The building is surrounded by trees.

Kiowa County government payments - November 2023

Kiowa County Courthouse in Eads, Colorado. © Chris Sorensen

The following vouchers were paid at the Regular Meetings held on November 14, 2023 & November 30, 2023 to be paid out of 2023 Budget to with:
Weisbrod Hospital  District Transfer County Tax  $  118,770.00 
     $  118,770.00 
Kern, Robert  Lake Clean-Up  $         150.00 
Watts, Allen  Lake Clean-Up  $         150.00 
Town of Eads  Horseshoe Park - Water  $           49.95 
     $         349.95 
Braxtyn Ferris  County Fair - Fair Royalty  $         250.00 
Braya Ferris  County Fair - Fair Royalty  $         250.00 
Kiowa County Independent  County Fair Advertising  $           92.00 
Patties Potties  County Fair Porta-Potties  $         475.00 
Fair Publishing House  County Fair- Ribbons/Awards  $      1,024.74 
  `  $      2,091.74 
Kiowa County Treasurer  CG Employer/Employee Benefits   $    15,071.35 
Loyal American Life Ins   Elective Benefits   $         284.70 
     $    15,356.05 
Atmos Energy   P/H - Gas   $           39.04 
CDPHE  Vital Statistics: Birth/Death Certs   $         155.00 
Culligan/Deloach's Water Cond.  Water   $             8.00 
Eastern Slope Rural Telephone  EPR Phones $53.62,  Public Health Phones $107.23   $         160.85 
GNBank   HSA Payable: ER   $         225.00 
Gobins   Printing: PH $324.89; EPR $162.44   $         487.33 
Kiowa County Treasurer   PH Employer/Employee Benefits/Direct Deposit   $      9,034.46 
Loyal American Life Ins   Elective Benefits    $         272.28 
MASA Mts   Elective Benefits   $           14.00 
Muach, Sharon   IOG Stipend   $         150.00 
PitStop Oil   CMG Fuel   $           61.02 
Plains Printing   Flu Clinic Ad   $           50.00 
Precision Pest Control   P/H Pest Control   $         280.00 
Quill Corporation  Office Supplies   $         173.00 
S.E.C.P.A.  PH/Nurse--Electric   $         125.51 
Teen Truth   CMG Travel: IOG Training   $      7,425.00 
Town of Eads   P/H Water   $           96.02 
Unifirst Corporation   Office Supply   $           72.22 
Viaero Wireless   CMG - Phone   $         165.44 
Visa - GN Bank  Office, Postage, Fuel, Travel, Fees, Meetings   $         672.29 
     $    19,666.46 
 719 Supply LLC    Wiper Blades   $             9.98 
 Adamson, Mandy    Election Judge- Contract Labor   $           60.00 
 Agritech Consulting    Agronomist Services   $         308.00 
 Amazon Capital Services   Sheriff- batteries   $             9.62 
 Atmos Energy   Bransgrove Upstairs $41.35; Comm. Bldg $38.65; Fairgrounds BBQ $30.17, Old Sr Bldg $40.65; Courthouse $196.91   $         347.73 
 Avenu   Contract: Treasurer $1381.06; Assessor $1381.07   $      2,762.13 
 Bent County Sheriff   Sheriff Dispatch    $      4,200.00 
 Business Solutions Leasing    Service Agreement    $         179.97 
 CCTPTA    Treasurer- Dues   $         900.00 
 Collins, Leanna    Elections: envelope scanning   $           28.84 
 Colorado Assessor's Assoc   Conference   $         800.00 
 Colorado Natural Gas   Recycling Utilities   $           31.08 
 Country Air LLC   Recylcing Shop Repair   $         685.00 
 County Sheriffs of CO    Sheriff Dues: Conference Registration   $         400.00 
 Crow, Janelle    Elections: Election Judge   $           75.00 
 Crow's Stop & Shop    Healthy Choices $3207.93; Cleaning Supplies $9.29; Group Meal $159.05; Bldg Supplies $40.38   $      3,416.65 
 Dinkel Gas Company, LLC   Towner Srs Propane   $         150.00 
 District Attorney    Salaries - $2218.50, Elected Official - $243.00; Operating Supplies - $429.00   $      2,890.50 
 DOCU TEK INC    Clerk: Maintenance Renewal   $         650.00 
 DSLR PROS    Sheriff - Capital Outlay   $      7,738.99 
 E3 Consulting Services    Zoning Consulting   $      4,702.50 
 E3 Consulting Services    Zoning Consulting   $      1,912.50 
 Eads Auto Supply   Maint & Rec Supplies, Bldg Repairs, Landfill Supplies & Repairs, Comm Bldg Supplies  $         919.90 
 Eads Consumer Supply   T-Van Fuel $302.47; Main Fuel $160.67; Propane $32.25   $         495.39 
 Eads Consumer Supply    Sheriff: Oil Change   $           75.22 
 East End Seniors   Staff Coordinator: Barbara Wilson   $           75.00 
 Eastern Slope Rural Telephone    Telephone/Internet Services   $      1,394.77 
 Family Support Registry   Garnishment   $         585.00 
 Fickenscher, Brenda    Elections: Election Judge/Mileage   $           91.25 
 Forward Communications    Sheriff Telephone   $           62.50 
 Geocycle LLC   Tire Waste Removal    $      1,900.00 
 GNBank    H S A: ER/EE    $         627.00 
 GN Bank   Lease Payment: DSS Van   $         453.91 
 Gobin's Inc.   Admin: Service Agreement    $           91.45 
 Jr. Audio    Sheriff Capital Outlay/ 2023 GMC P/U   $    12,360.00 
 Jr. Audio    Sheriff Capital Outlay/ 2023 GMC P/U   $    11,660.00 
 Kiowa Co Economic Dev    NPS Deposit Refund   $         300.00 
 Kiowa County Independent    Admin/Advertising,    $      2,229.10 
 Kiowa County Treasurer    CG Employer/Employee Benefits   $  112,529.92 
 Kiowa Drug    Photo Prints/UPS   $           37.49 
 Legal Shield    Elective Benefits   $           12.95 
 Loyal American Life Ins.    Elective Benefits   $      1,767.13 
 Marlow's Contracting   Final Payment/Fence   $    13,262.50 
 MASA Mts    Masa: Elective Benefits   $         127.00 
 Myers, Shellie    Elections: Election Judge Labor   $         147.71 
 Parker Heating & A/C    Heater Repair   $         169.00 
 Peck, Dawna    Admin: Vending Supplies   $         122.25 
 Peck, Dawna    Admin: Funeral Plants   $         109.96 
 Petty Cash Fund    Vending: $21.54; Bldg Main: $60; Bldg Dues $9.38; Admin Good Will $17.88; Admin Dues $11.88   $         120.68 
 Plains Network Services    LF Printing   $           62.50 
 Ports-To-Plains Coalition    2024 Dues   $         132.10 
 Postmaster    Comm Box Rent   $         186.00 
 Precision Pest    Eads Srns Utilities - pest control   $         248.00 
 Prowers County Jail    Jail Keep: Sept $400; Oct $950   $      1,350.00 
 Quill Corp    Admin: Office Supplies   $         102.93 
 Richards, Kim   Elections: Election Judge Labor   $           60.00 
 Road & Bridge Fund    Landfill Fuel: Unlead $359.30; Diesel $218.98; Rec Diesel $567.75   $      1,146.03 
 Ron Austin Repair    Repair: 2017 Dodge Ram   $      2,186.39 
 Schneider Geospatial, LLC   GIS System   $      9,485.00 
 S.E.C.P.A.   Utilities-Electric   $      4,723.10 
 SECOM    Sheriff-Internet   $         182.08 
 Skaggs Companies, INC    Handcuffs   $         459.90 
 State of Colorado-DPA   Clerk: MVR   $         134.62 
 Town of Eads    Seniors Water $96.61, Courthouse Water $269.94;  Murdock NPS $96.02; Old Sr Bldg. $96.02   $         558.59 
 Towner Recreation District    Towner SRS Utilities    $         150.00 
 UniFirst    Building Supplies $297.74; Maint. Uniforms $75.53; Eads Sr. Janitorial $20.00   $         393.27 
 Viaero Wireless    Sheriff-Telephone   $         292.41 
 Viaero Wireless   Landfill, Maint & EM Telephone   $         256.98 
 VISA-GNB   Office Supplies, Repairs, Travel/Meetings, Dues/Fees, Postage, Fuel  $      2,494.96 
 Walker, Nancy   Elections: Supervisor Judge  $         343.26 
 Watts, Allen   Bldg Maint: Trailer  $         500.00 
West End Golden Seniors  Haswell Seniors-Utilities $400; Supplies $211  $         611.00 
Wex Bank Sheriff Auto Fuel  $      2,882.89 
Wheatland Electric Coop  Towner Streetlight $42.12, Emergency Siren $39.16  $           81.28 
     $  223,008.86 
719 Supply  Supplies, Diesel Treatment  $         743.42 
4 Rivers Equipment  Backhoe Loader  $  124,033.12 
Ace Tire Service LLC  Tires  $      6,250.00 
Atmos Energy  Eads Shop - Gas  $           57.14 
Bruckner Truck Sales  Repairs, Parts  $         364.28 
Colorado Natural Gas Inc. Sheridan Lake Shop- Gas  $         129.72 
Consolidated Comm.  Sheriday Lake Shop - Phone  $           53.10 
Cordova, Billie  Cordova Shed Rental  $         250.00 
Division of Oil & Public Safety Fees  $      3,450.00 
Division of Reclamation  Pit Permit, EFT Fees  $      1,584.00 
Eads Auto Supply/Hardware Supplies, Fuel, Filters, Parts, Additive, Tools  $         567.44 
Eads Consumer Supply  Fuel  $      7,603.71 
Eastern Slope Telephone  Eads & Haswell Shop, Haswell Internet  $         126.97 
Fremont Paving  Cement/Cattleguards  $      1,028.15 
GNBank  HSA   $      1,046.00 
John Deere Credit  Equipment Payments  $      7,359.29 
John Deere Financial  Parts  $         616.93 
Kiowa County Independent  Admin - Advertising  $         118.80 
Kiowa County Treasurer  RB Employer/Employee Benefits  $    36,386.75 
Loyal American Life Ins.  Elective Benefits  $         480.07 
MASA MTS  Elective Benefits  $             9.00 
Muth Welding Service  PTO Shaft  $      1,343.60 
NKC Tire  Tires  $      3,310.00 
Plains Printing, INC  Advertising  $           57.50 
Ranchers Supply of Lamar  Pallet Forks  $         174.60 
R&T Redi Mix  Concrete/Cattleguards  $         867.50 
Redlund Equipment  Repairs  $         321.25 
Rusler Implement  Parts/Freight  $      1,769.05 
Rusler Implement  Equipment: Case down payment  $    27,985.00 
S&K Fuel and Repair  Propane  $         287.43 
S&K Fuel and Repair  Fuel  $    24,237.92 
SECPA  Southeast Colorado Power  $         703.77 
Sheridan Lake Water  Sheridan Lake Shop - Water  $           75.00 
O'Reilly Pick-up Bed Cover   $      1,900.00 
Stand-By-Power Service  TV Tower Repair  $      2,800.00 
Thunderbird Petroleum  Supplies  $           54.93 
Town of Eads  Eads Shop - Water  $         193.86 
Town of Haswell Hawell Shop - Water  $           40.00 
UniFirst  Uniforms and Supplies  $         265.24 
Wagner Equipment CO Outside Repair, Parts  $      5,846.63 
     $  264,491.17 


Social Services        
During the regular meetings of the Kiowa County Board of Social Services held during November, 2023 the following bills were approved for payment.
General Operation    $               2,531.71         
General Assistance    $                          -           
Personnel    $               2,245.01         
Submitted by Dennis Pearson, Director, Kiowa County Department of Social Services.  
/s/ Dennis Pearson     Date:    
_____________________________________   __________________________________
Delisa L. Weeks, County Clerk   Donald Oswald, Chairman