Kiowa County government service changes during COVID-19
Kiowa County Courthouse in Eads, Colorado. © Chris Sorensen
In an effort to slow the potential spread of COVID-19 in our community, Kiowa County government will be closing public access to buildings. Staff will be providing limited essential services via phone and online avenues. In-person contact for receiving essential services will have limited restrictions during this time. These adjustments to county services and public access will be in place until a further notice. These precautions will be continually evaluated and may be subject to change. Operation changes include the following Kiowa County Government Departments and will be updated as new information related to the COVID-19 situation becomes available. The following lists office specific information for this emergency situation.
Business service changes for Kiowa County and southeast Colorado can be found here.
Kiowa County Administration – 719-438-5810 kiowaco100@gmail.com
Board of Commissioner meetings will continue to be held as scheduled. Anyone wishing to visit with the BOCC or to sit in on the meeting will need to call and schedule a time for a phone conference. If you need a permit please call and we can take care of this via email or regular mail. Credit card payments are accepted or checks can be mailed with completed permit applications. We will be in the office and available if anyone has questions or concerns, please call or email Mon – Fri from 8 – 4:30.
Kiowa County Assessor – 719-438-5521 kiowacoassr295@gmail.com
Any information needed from the Assessor will be available upon request either by phone or email.
Kiowa County Clerk and Recorder – 719-438-5421 delisa.weeks@state.co.us
Anyone needing to renew a driver’s license may do so online at mydmv.colorado.gov . Vehicle registration renewals can be completed by phone with a credit card (state service fee applies), by mail or placing it in the drop box that is on the west side of the courthouse. Recording services will be by appointment only. We will continue to process through mail and electronic recordings. Marriage licenses will be issued by appointment only with a limit of two people present. If you need assistance with voter registration please visit govote@colorado.gov or call and we can assist you. Our staff will continue to be in the office processing mail, faxes, emails and phone calls. Please contact us Mon-Fri between 8:00 and 4:15. The drop box on the west side of the courthouse is available for payments and under surveillance 24 hours a day.
Kiowa County Emergency Management – 719-438-2288 sengelhardtoem@gmail.com
Emergency Management is coordinating with businesses and other entity’s to provide information and resources to the residents of Kiowa County. Urgent notices will be provided using the Reverse 911 call system. If you are not signed up to receive reverse 911 calls you may call or email Shellie and she will add you to the system. If you need food delivered or curbside service you can call Stop & Shop at 719-438-5881. If you need medicine delivered or curbside service call Healthmart at 719-438-5832. Although the restaurants are not able to allow dining in they still offer carry out and may add delivery.
Kiowa County Treasurer – 719-438-5831 kiowacotreas247@gmail.com
The due date for paying your 2019 Property Taxes in full is April 30, 2020. The 2nd half payments are due June 15, 2020. You can drop off your payment in the secure red drop box on the west side of the building or you can mail your tax payments to Kiowa County Treasurer, PO Box 247, Eads, CO 81036. You can also make a credit card payment by calling our office or go to https://client.pointand pay.net/web/kiowacountytreasurerco . If you have any questions or concerns, please call our office.
Kiowa County Library - 719-438-5581 kcpld.eads@gmail.com www.eads.colibraries.org www.facebook.com/KiowaCountyPublicLibrary
All KCPLD programs, outreach, etc. is cancelled until further notice. Our doors will be closed, but our online services are still available. 24/7 Wi-Fi can be accessed outside of the library all day, every day. Thousands of eBooks and eAudiobooks are available through our Cloud Library app. Our online databases (student resources; small engine/auto repair help; genealogy; etc.) are available 24/7 through our website. Staff will be available March 19th to answer questions by phone and set up appointments for essential library use only. March 20th – 22nd staff will only be available to answer questions online at the above links/contacts. March 23rd staff will be meeting to discuss/plan addition ways to serve you during this closure. We will share our plans going forward through the above links, newspapers, and posted on the courthouse door. Yes, the library is closed, but we are still working diligently to serve the heart of our organization, the Kiowa County Community! Thank you for your support.
Kiowa County Extension - 719-438-5321 coopext_kiowa@mail.colostate.edu https://kiowa.extension.colostate.edu www.facebook.com/ KiowaCounty4-HandExtension
Please call the office to arrange drop off of samples. If you are unclear of the instructions we will be in the office and you can reach us by phone or email Mon – Fri from 8:00 to 4:30. There may be a delay in getting the sample results back due to the COVID-19 crisis. We will continue to keep our 4-H participants updated on activities and deadlines. All updates can be found on our website or Facebook
Kiowa County Veterans Service Office - 719-438-5421 patricia.roper@state.co.us
Please call or email with any issues or questions you have during this time. Services are still available and an appointment can be scheduled if necessary.
Kiowa County Sheriff – 719-438-5411 dderby@kiowasheriff.net csheridan@kiowasheriff.net
Although the access to our office is limited, our employees will be in the office during regular business hours Mon-Fri from 8:00 – 4:30. You may call our number anytime and if we are not in the office it will route to the Bent County Dispatch. Our office will not be providing the following non-essential services until further notice; concealed handgun permits (renewals or new applications), fingerprinting services, or VIN inspections. Please note that court ordered U/A’s will need to be scheduled by appointment. All other operations will be handled as normal. If you feel that you need to speak with the Sheriff or Deputy, call the office and we will set up a time for you to speak with someone. If you have an emergency please call 911.
Kiowa County Courts - 719-438-5558 nora.lindholm@judicial.state.co.us
Kiowa County Court will be closed until further notice. Only essential services will be provided. Please call before your court date for details regarding your case.
Kiowa County Landfill – 719-691-5426 or 719-438-5810 kiowaco100@gmail.com
The landfill will remain open and operate the normal hours, 8:00 – 3:30 Wed – Sat.
Kiowa County Road & Bridge - 719-438-5810 kiowaco100@gmail.com
Roads will continue to be maintained and you can call or email if you have any questions or concerns.
Kiowa County Public Health – 719-438-5782 kiowapublichealth@gmail.com
Although there have been no positive tests in our county so far for COVID-19 it is very important that we take the recommended measures to slow the spread of this virus. Please take these simple preventative actions; wash hands often for at least 20 seconds, cover coughs and sneezes, avoid touching your face with unwashed hands, stay home if you are sick and keep your children home if they are sick, practice social distancing, clean surfaces in your home and personal items such as cell phones, be calm and be prepared. For answers to questions in many languages call the COVID-19 hotline at 1-877-462-2911. You can also email or call our office for any public health need. Appointments can be made for services such as immunizations or birth/death records.
Kiowa County Transit - 719-438-5782 kiowapublichealth@gmail.com
Transit rides are by appointment only – service areas are restricted for medical trips only and to Kiowa & Prowers County locations only until further notice. Trips are scheduled based on the availability of the drivers.
Kiowa County Department of Human Services – 719-438-5541 jaylin.spady@state.co.us
Clients will have limited access to our office but may be seen by appointment only until further notice. The State has allowed temporary aid to residents who qualify through our office. If you are struggling with food, medical, lost wages, temporary unemployment, or loss of housing please contact us immediately as there are programs and services that we may be able to offer to assist you even if it is a temporary situation due to the COVID-19 emergency. The wait times for approval have been waived on certain benefits so immediate assistance could be available. If you have questions or concerns please call or email us Mon-Fri from 8:00 to 4:30 and we will do all we can to assist you.
We appreciate your understanding during this crisis and hope that you know that the wellbeing and safety of all county residents is our upmost priority. Please check on your neighbors and stay well!