Kiowa County Hospital District Board meeting minutes - July 23, 2019
The Kiowa County Hospital District and County Board met in regular session on July 23, 2019 at 6:31 p.m. at the Bransgrove Building Meeting Room.
District Board members present were: Mary Eikner, Cathryn Anderson, Dennis Pearson, Sylvia Shields and Priscilla Waggoner.
County Board members present were: Kevin Davis and Whitney Barnett. Absent: Craig Kerfoot (called), John Negley (called) and Ken Flory (called).
Others present: Shannon Dixon, Char Korrell and Beth Spady.
The meeting was called to order by Priscilla Waggoner, Chairman of the Board at 6:31 pm.
Kevin Davis and Whitney Barnett.
A motion was made by Sylvia Shields to approve the June, 25, 2019 minutes as presented. Motion seconded by Cathryn Anderson. All aye.
A motion was made by Mary Eikner to approve the agenda as presented. Motion seconded by Dennis Pearson. All aye.
No one was present for public comment.
Dr. Magill-Collins was reapproved for active privileges by Med Staff. Dr. Lyders and Dr. White were reapproved for telemedicine privileges by Med Staff. All Avera eCare providers (Dr. Copeman, Dr Dejong, Dr. Green, Dr Johnson, Dr. Koedam, Dr. Kosiak, Dr. Nipe, Dr. Nydam, Dr. Pham, Dr. Price, Dr. Rhone, Dr. Sazama, Dr. Shives, Dr, Skow, Dr. Smith, Dr. Stethem, Dr. Taylor, Dr. Travnicek, Dr. VanOeveren, Dr. Vaughn and Dr. Wang) were approved for telemedicine privileges by Med Staff. A motion was made by Mary Eikner to approve all credentialing as presented above and seconded by Sylvia Shields. All aye.
The Board received and discussed the summary of revisions to the Radiology, Safety Manual, and Patient Safety policies. All policies were reviewed by the Policy Committee and approved by Med Staff. A motion was made by Mary Eikner to approve all policies as presented and seconded by Whitney Barnett. All aye.
A motion was made by Sylvia Shields to purchase a ventilator/BiPAP machine along with required supplies for an estimated $11,899. Cathryn Anderson seconded the motion. All aye.
Staff continue to work on the Legionella plan for the facility. Routine testing is being completed and options to ensure compliance include changes to the water softener system or using the ATP test.
A survey containing a needs assessment has been distributed throughout the county via the local paper, email, Facebook and our website. The survey results will be shared at the first Hospital Transformation Project meeting to be held on Thursday, August 22. These results will guide the development of our five-year plan.
Our CT (computerized tomography) certification has been completed.
The Patient & Family Advisory Council (PFAC) newsletter was shared with the Board. The Board will receive information pertaining to the PFAC from Char Korrell.
The June financials were reviewed and showed a loss for the month. In June, days cash on hand was 173 and days in AR was 81. Our revenue remains consistent.
KCHD staff have been provided with a pre-implementation survey of Avera eCare. Weekly implementation calls are occurring with Avera eCare and KCHD staff to ensure the project is on track for completion by August 26, 2019.
KCHD could potentially use the local runway for emergency situations when conditions might not allow for a helicopter flight. The runway meets the requirements to have a fixed wing aircraft (plane) land.
The Quality Report Scorecard was reviewed. There were no med errors. There were three falls with no injuries noted. There was a slight increase in the infection rate. We have one decubitus ulcer.
We anticipate a start date of August 26, 2019. Equipment will be arriving around August 2, 2019 for installation in our emergency department and observation rooms.
KCHD is planning an open house to introduce Avera eCare to the community. A representative is scheduled to be here during the first week of implementation, so we are tentatively planning for a night during this week.
Department of Local Affairs (DOLA)
The next DOLA grant deadline is August 1, 2019. The grant request will be for 1.4 million dollars and KCHD will need to match 50% of these dollars. Donation letters will be mailed to all Kiowa County landowners. The Hospital is also pursuing other grant options to include the El Pomar Foundation and the USDA Loan Grant program. A motion was made by Mary Eikner to move forward with the DOLA application process with an anticipated match from KCHD of $728,735 and other potential funding sources mentioned above to address our HVAC needs. Motion was seconded by Cathryn Anderson. All aye.
The boilers should arrive in September and will not be allowed to count towards our match. It will be included as local effort and discussed in the grant proposals.
A motion was made by Sylvia Shields to have further discussion on the various components of the DOLA grant. Mary Eikner seconded the motion. All aye.
CEO Evaluation
Each member of the Board was asked to compile comments to include in the CEO evaluation for Board discussion prior to the completion of the evaluation.
Med Staff Bylaws/Rules & Regulations
The Board received a copy of the new bylaws and rules/regulations as drafted by our legal counsel. They are all inclusive and may not include all services offered at KCHD. A motion was made by Kevin Davis to approve the Med Staff Bylaws and Rules/Regulations as presented. Whitney Barnett seconded the motion. All aye.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:20 pm. Motion by Sylvia Shields and seconded by Dennis Pearson. All aye.
Respectfully submitted,
Kiowa County Hospital District Board Sylvia Shields, Secretary-Treasurer