Kiowa County Hospital District meeting minutes – November 26, 2020
BOARD MEETING November 26, 2019
The Kiowa County Hospital District and County Board met in regular session on November 26, 2019 at 6:31 p.m. at the Bransgrove Building Meeting Room.
District Board members present were: Mary Eikner, Sylvia Shields, Dennis Pearson, and Priscilla Waggoner. Absent: Cathryn Anderson (called).
County Board members present were: Kevin Davis, Ken Flory, Craig Kerfoot, Whitney Barnett and John Negley.
Others present: Ellen Lane, Shannon Dixon, Char Korrell, Jessica Hyman, Dawn Back and Beth Spady.
The meeting was called to order by Priscilla Waggoner, Chairman of the Board at 6:31 pm.
Kevin Davis, Whitney Barnett and Ken Flory.
A motion was made by Mary Eikner to approve the October 22, 2019 minutes as presented. Motion seconded by Whitney Barnett. All aye.
A motion was made by Mary Eikner to approve the agenda after the addition of an executive session. Motion seconded by Sylvia Shields. All aye.
No one was present for public comment.
Dr. Allison Edwards, Jackie Duba, PA, and Jessica Hyman, NP were reapproved for active privileges by Med Staff. Dr. Gregory Tomc and Dr. Michael Letzing were reapproved for telemedicine privileges by Med Staff. Dr. Michael Magill-Collins was reapproved for emergency medicine active privileges by Med, Staff. All Avera eCare Hospitalist providers (Dr. Covell, Dr. Evjen, Dr. Fiddler, Dr. Jbeli, Dr. Kinross-Wright, Dr. Khan, Dr. Kwakye, Dr. McGrann, Dr. McKay, Dr. Moncur, Dr. Sheikh, Dr. Stars, Dr. Sturm, and Dr. Wasekar) were approved for telemedicine privileges by Med Staff. A motion was made by Whitney Barnett to approve all credentialing as presented above and seconded by Mary Eikner. All aye.
The Board reviewed and discussed the summary of revisions to the refill policy at Eads Medical Clinic, HIM, Social Services, and eHospitalist utilization policies. A slight change to the introduction of the eHospitalist utilization policy will be made as suggested by the Board. All policies were reviewed by the Policy Committee and approved by Med Staff. A motion was made by Sylvia Shields to approve all policies as discussed and seconded by Mary Eikner. All aye.
A motion was made by Kevin Davis to allow the Board Chair, Vice Chair, or Secretary to sign the required signature pages for policy changes. Motion was seconded by Dennis Pearson. All aye.
Information has been provided to three graduate students who will be assisting with a feasibility study looking at options for a new facility.
Jan Kochis, our consulting dietician, will retire at the end of 2019. KCHD has been actively looking for a new consultant for the dietary department.
Eads Medical Clinic recently had a state survey. One finding was identified and the plan of correction has been submitted.
Board members and staff from KCHD attended the Eastern Plains Healthcare Consortium (EPHC) meeting in Yuma. Several meetings have been held with the EPHC and Colorado Health Care Policy & Finance (CHCPF) to discuss upcoming legislation and its potential impact on small hospitals.
KCHD is working with Phase Three, a telehealth vendor, to develop a workplan that could assist with the chronic care management and cardiac rehab program.
The Colorado Hospital Association (CHA) has received funding through the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation to support local hospitals such as KCHD in enhancing patient family relationships and quality measures.
Officials from the Colorado Rural Health Center (CRHC) recognized KCHD on Thursday, November 21st as part of National Rural Health Day. KCHD was selected by the CRHC for the many quality measures that have been successfully implemented over the past few years.
The October financials were reviewed and showed a profit for the month and year to date. In October, days cash on hand was 146 and days in AR was 92.
The Board was presented with a fact sheet on Trauma Informed Care.
Staff are reviewing immunization requirements for employment and discussing potential changes to KCHD policies.
The Board discussed the antibiotic stewardship program. The Board has appointed Renay Crain, Dawn Back, and Dr. David Lenderts to guide the antibiotic stewardship program at KCHD. Motion was made by Sylvia Shields and seconded by Whitney Barnett. All aye.
KCHD will not be hiring for an acute care coordinator. The job responsibilities will be assumed by other existing staff at this time. Three part time LPNs have been hired. The new nurse program continues to meet every two weeks.
Physical Therapy will assist with pre employment physicals to provide physical agility testing.
An additional isolation cart has been stocked for infection control at KCHD.
The Quality Report Scorecard was reviewed. There were three med errors with no patient harm this month. There was one fall with no injury noted. We have one decubitus ulcer that we continue to treat.
KCHD continues to implement Just Culture, a program that focuses on measures to improve quality while not placing blame.
KCHD continues to work with Avera eCare to provide inpatient hospital services.
Members of the KCHD Board and Staff presented to the DOLA Board on November 5th The DOLA Board has awarded KCHD $970,000 and is discussing the possibility of reducing the match required by KCHD to 25 percent. KCHD has advised El Pomar of DOLA's funding decision and is waiting to see if El Pomar will also fund the KCHD project.
A draft budget was presented to the Board for FY2020 which includes changes as a result of the DOLA funding notification. A budget hearing meeting will be held on Tuesday, December 3rd at 5:00 pm in the KCHD meeting room.
The Board discussed at length several options regarding the offer to donate land from KCEDF. After discussion, the Board consensus was that a payment be offered in lieu of donation for the land. Several motions were voted down or died for a lack of a second motion. A motion was made by Whitney Barnett to offer KCEDF $25,000 for 18 acres of land near Prairie Pines for a potential KCHD campus. The motion was seconded by Kevin Davis. Craig Kerfoot and Dennis Pearson both abstain from the vote. All aye.
Kiowa County Hospital District and County Board will have their annual dinner on Tuesday, December 10th at 6:30 pm.
Employee Bonuses were discussed. A motion was made by Mary Eikner to approve the same bonus structure as last year and Kevin Davis seconded it. All aye.
A motion was made by Mary Eikner to go into executive session to consider personnel matters pursuant to and as permitted by CRS 24-6-402 (4)(f). Sylvia Shields seconded the motion. All aye.
Executive session convened at 8:27 pm and was returned to regular session at 9:10 pm.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:10 pm. Motion by Sylvia Shields and seconded byKevin Davis. All aye.
Respectfully submitted,
Kiowa County Hospital District Board Sylvia Shields, Secretary-Treasurer