PROMO Government - Medical Weisbrod Memorial Hospital Eads Colorado - Chris Sorensen

Kiowa County Hospital District meeting minutes - February 11, 2022

Weisbrod Memorial Hospital in Eads, Colorado. © / Chris Sorensen



February 11, 2022

The Kiowa County Hospital District Board met in special session on February 11, 2022, at 5:30 pm at the Cobblestone Inn Meeting Room.

District Board members present were: 

Craig Kerfoot, Mary Eikner, Ken Flory, Claire Prince (phone). Absent- Kevin Davis.

Others present: Danielle Bergner (phone), Shannon Dixon and Jeanette Filpi.


The meeting was called to order by Craig Kerfoot, Chairman of the Board at 5:30 pm.


The Board reviewed the documents needed to proceed with the SECED Housing Development project. The deadline for closing is February 15, 2022. There are two contracts and a resolution for the Board to consider.

The purchase agreement with SECED was reviewed. KCHD will convey the property to SECED for $1,000 and SECED then transfers the property to the developer.

The contract to buy and sell real estate was also reviewed by the Board. The construction process is expected to start around May 1, 2022 and should be close to completion by the end of 2022.

KCHD will perform a walk through inspection and ensure the punch list is complete before closing on the property.

Purchase price is $355,310.90 with $35,000 earnest money that will be held in escrow by the title company. The earnest money will be returned to KCHD should the project fall through. If the property does not appraise for the amount of purchase, KCHD will have to make up the difference.

The Board also reviewed a resolution to appoint Jeanette Fil pi, Interim CEO to sign the appropriate contracts and closing documents related to the housing project.

Mary Eikner made a motion to approve the Resolution of the Board of Directors of Kiowa County Hospital District regarding the purchase and sale of property. Motion seconded by Ken Flory. All aye.

KCHD is soliciting bids for the demolition of the old ambulance office. Utilities will be shut off when ambulance staff have been moved to their new location.


Jeanette followed up with the Board on the upcoming CHA conference. Board members were asked to confirm with Jeanette by next week.


The meeting was adjourned at 6:30 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Kiowa County Hospital District Board

Mary Eikner, Secretary-Treasurer