Kiowa County Hospital District Official Minutes - September 27, 2016
The Kiowa County Hospital District and County Board met in regular session on September 27, 2016 at 6:30 p.m. at the Bank Meeting Room.
District Board members present were: Robert Woods, Priscilla Waggoner, Mary Eikner, Sylvia Shields and Cathryn Anderson.
County Board members present were: Kim Harris, John Negley, Craig Kerfoot and Dennis Pearson. Absent: Lori Shalberg (called)
Others present: Tristen Sheridan, Wendy McDowell, Char Korrell, Shannon Dixon, Kevin Siefkas, Cindy McLoud, Braylynn Eder and Cassie Frey.
The meeting was called to order by Mary Eikner, Chairman of the Board.
COUNTY VOTING MEMBERS: Kerfoot, Pearson and Negley
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: A motion was made to approve the August minutes by Kerfoot and Shields seconded it. All aye.
AGENDA: Add Marcum House and Personnel Executive Session. A motion was made by Anderson to approve the Agenda as amended and it was seconded by Woods. All aye.
PUBLIC COMMENT: Cindy McLoud attended a Corrections Board meeting for the Judicial District 15. They have decided to go ahead with the community correctional facility in Lamar. They have plans to open this by July 2017.
FINANCE COMMITTEE: The August financials were reviewed. We received our 2015 Cost Report Settlement in the amount of $311,041. We also received 2016 interim adjustments in the amount of $81,606 for the Hospital and $40,593 for the Clinic. We have rebilled everything and are starting to see payments coming in, so the AR will begin to show improvements. We have also hired a part-time person to help with billing. The check register was reviewed.
PLANNING COMMITTEE: We will have a Board workshop on November 2, 2016 at 6:00 p.m. at Cobblestone Inn.
GRANT COMMITTEE: Construction is progressing on the CT room. They are currently working on the plumbing and electrical. They should start pouring foundation next week. They still have plans to finish by the end of November. DOLA will not be offering any more money for this project. Our quote from Siemens for the 16-slice CT is $330,000 plus $43,800 for the injector. Tristen received a quote from GE for a 16-slice CT with the injector included for $312,850. Both units have exactly the same specs. Their service agreements are comparable, except GE offered a five or seven-year agreement. The seven-year agreement will be $3,000 less a year. There is a one percent cap on increases to the service agreement per year. Going with GE will save us about $50,000. Eighty percent is due at delivery and twenty percent at completion. They also gave us a quote on a mobile x-ray unit. Discussion followed. Negley made a motion to purchase the CT machine from GE and Anderson seconded it. All aye. Negley made a motion to go with the seven-year service agreement and Anderson seconded it. Eikner, Anderson, Woods, Negley, Shields, Waggoner, Harris aye. Pearson and Kerfoot nay.
Sheridan will update the website on the progress of this project. Waggoner will contact El Pomar about some more grant money once Sheridan gets her a figure.
CLINIC REPORT: We are not seeing any migration of patients away from the Clinic. Lacy is on medical leave, so Kourtney is picking up the slack and we are keeping up with patient results. We have decided to take the one percent penalty for provider attestation this year due to the fact that we are so close to meeting the 30 percent Medicaid requirement. Healthland wants to charge us $5,000 for the MU reports also. Each provider must attest and their attestation follows them from clinic to clinic.
Diversified Radiology, Dr. David Lenderts and Dr. Karen Liljistrand were approved for two year renewals by the Medical Staff. Shields made a motion to approve Diversified Radiology, Dr. David Lenderts and Dr. Karen Liljistrand for two year renewals and Woods seconded it. All aye.
We have Lab, Dietary, Acute, Swingbed and Personnel policies for review. Kerfoot made a motion to approve all polices presented and Woods seconded it. All aye.
PROVIDER RECRUITMENT: We met with Gina Mundell, Nurse Practitioner, last Friday. It was an awesome visit. She is very knowledgeable and would be a good fit. We gave her an offer and are waiting to hear back from her. There will be a recruitment fee. We can up our offer and offer a sign on bonus if needed.
We are renewing our contract with Docs Who Care in January. Their fee will not increase and we will begin to have the same three providers here on a regular basis. Two of them are willing to get certified to do DOT physicals, we will be paying for them to take this class. It is about $400 per person.
We actually had the spouse of a doctor stop by because he heard at the restaurant that we were looking for a physician. They are currently in Colorado Springs and are looking to move to a smaller town. She has sent us her CV. She only has clinic experience, but would be willing to learn the Hospital and ER. We also have a doctor who is interested in some locum work at a much lower rate than the others, who would like to work a week a month. He is currently working in Holyoke, Burlington and Wray. Sheridan will be meeting with him on Wednesday.
BY-LAWS: The executive session paragraph was added to the By-Laws and a typo on page 5 was corrected. Shields approved the By-Laws with these changes and Kerfoot seconded it. All aye.
ECU & HOSPITAL REPORT: Dr. Feinsod was here today. We had one fall for August and three falls for September with no injuries. We had three infections. We did four psych reviews. We currently have 18 residents and a possible new resident and swingbed.
We will be having an active shooter training on October 21 and November 4. We will be working with the Sheriff’s office to prepare policies and procedures.
We have signed an MOU with Prairie Pines so we can do outpatient therapy for their residents. McDowell has started her med school for nursing. Eads Medical Clinic is working on scheduling patients to make sure that providers have enough time with patients and to get their documentation completed.
Sheridan reviewed the HCAHPS report for this month. Overall we had good reviews. We pay for this service, but are reimbursed through Colorado Rural Health’s SHIP Grant.
BUDGET 2017: The preliminary budget was presented to the Board. We will continue to work on this.
340B: Kiowa Healthmart’s contract is up in January. Sheridan is working with Tom and CaptureRX to make sure that the renewal is agreed upon by all.
WOUND CARE CLASS: We will be sending one of our RN’s for more wound care training. To receive the discount, we had to send it in early, so we had the executive committee approve this expense. The class was $2,697.00. The only other certified wound care nurse in the area is getting ready to retire. We can offer these services to other facilities and be reimbursed for it.
EPHC: Sheridan handed out a report to update the Board on the status of the consortium. They have been working hard and getting a lot accomplished. We need a board member to volunteer to be on this committee. They would need to attend or listen to quarterly meetings. Waggoner volunteered.
MARCUM HOUSE: Tristen stated that to remodel the Marcum house to make it into apartments would cost around $75,000. It has asbestos, so we would have to go through abatement to tear it down. So her suggestion would be to sell it. She would like to use the proceeds to update our current apartments. Docs Who Care have offered to donate $5,000 towards fixing up an apartment that they could use when they are here. So if we could fix up the others, it would be a great improvement. Discussion followed. Shields made a motion to try to sell the Marcum house starting at $15,000 and with a low bid of $10,000 and Waggoner seconded it. All aye.
A motion was made by Anderson that we go into executive session to consider personnel matters pursuant to and as permitted by CRS 24-6-402(4)(f)(I) and Woods seconded it. All aye.
Executive session was convened at 9:15 p.m.
The meeting was returned to regular session at 9:52 p.m.
A motion was made by Kerfoot and seconded by Woods to offer Tim Richardt a one-year contract or two-year contract per agreed upon salary. All aye.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:55 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Kiowa County Hospital District Board
Sylvia Shields, Secretary-Treasurer