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Kiowa County Public Library District Referred Ballot Question 6-A:


Kiowa County Public Library District Referred Ballot Question 6-A:

Shall the Kiowa County Public Library District, without creating any new tax or increasing any current taxes, be authorized to collect, retain and spend all tax revenues collected and other funds collected from any and all revenue sources, without limitation, in the current fiscal year 2024, and continuing thereafter, to be spent for general operations and any other lawful purposes, without further voter approval, as a voter approved revenue change and as an exception to the limits which would otherwise apply under Section 29-1-301, C.R.S. or any other revenue limitation or restriction set forth in any law of the state?

YES/FOR ____                 NO/AGAINST ____

Signed this 29th day of August, 2024

/s/Lance P. Clark

Lance P. Clark, DEO

First Published September 06, 2024

Last Published September 13, 2024

In the Kiowa County Press