Kiowa County - Resolution 2023-1
Kiowa County Courthouse in Eads, Colorado. © Chris Sorensen
On the 10th of January, 2023 the following was adopted.
BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED, the 31st day of January, 1995, the Resolution for Licensing and Inspection of Ambulance Service was amended by the Board of County Commissioners of Kiowa County Colorado, the following:
That the prior Resolution entitled "AMBULANCE-PERMANENT LICENSING RESOLUTION", dated January, 1978 and any subsequent resolutions were hereby repealed.
That pursuant to the provisions of 1973 C.R.S. 25-35-301, as amended, no entity may provide ambulance service publicly or privately in this state after January 1, 1978 unless that person holds a valid license to do so issued by the Board of County Commissioners of the County in which the ambulance service is based.
That the Board of County Commissioners of Kiowa County has established an ambulance service licensing authority effective March 31, 1986, with the following provision:
Any entity who is desirous of providing ambulance service either public or private in the State of Colorado and whose service will be based in the County of Kiowa and who is desirous of continuing to provide such service after the effective date of this resolution shall make immediate application to the Kiowa County Board of County Commissioners.
County Health Officer shall prepare, under the Board's supervision, a short application form, which shall be furnished by the County Clerk upon request, to any person seeking to be licensed under this Resolution.
The application shall provide the following information to aid the Board in its licensing determination:
(a) Name, address and telephone number of entity desiring to be licensed.
(b) Description of each ambulance, including make, model, year of manufacture, Colorado State license number, motor vehicle chassis number, and length of time vehicle has been in service.
(c) Location and description of place or places from which ambulances service will operate.
(d) A statement indicating that each ambulance contains equipment which meets or is equivalent to the minimum equipment list established by the State Advisory Council on Emergency Medical Services, and approved by the State Board of Health.
(e) A statement indicating that each ambulance driver has a valid Colorado Driver's cense along with a Defensive Driving/Emergency Vehicle Drivers Course and a County Emergency Medical Vehicle Driver's permit.
(f) A statement indicating that each ambulance attendant, other than the ambulance driver, has an Emergency Medical Technician Certificate or a Registered Nursing Degree issued by the Department of Health, or is a member of the "Quick Response Team" or as otherwise provided by State Statute.
(g) A statement indicating that each ambulance is covered by the provisions of the Colorado Auto Accident Preparations Act.
(h) A statement listing the name, address, and curriculum vitae of the Physician Advisor to the ambulance service.
(i) A certificate issued from the Kiowa County Hospital District, Eads, Colorado, indicating their approval of the applicant's qualifications. Approval shall be granted or denied based on a set criteria established by said hospital.
Ambulances will be inspected as set forth in the EMS Resolution, and any other time deemed necessary by the ambulance coordinator. Any necessary repairs will be made at that time. For each ambulance, a certificate of inspection no older than 90 days will be submitted with the ambulance permit application.
Each entity desiring to be licensed under this Resolution shall have a Physician Advisor who established protocols for medical acts performed by E.M. T. or paramedics of a pre hospital emergency medical servicing agency and who is responsible to assure competency of the performance of those acts by E.M.T. and paramedics in accordance with the "Acts Allowed" by the Colorado State Board of Medical Examiners.
The Board, upon finding that the information and statements requested in the application form have been completely supplied and upon determining that such information and statements are sufficient indication of the applicant's compliance with the ambulance service license, together with the appropriate number of ambulance permits to such applicant a license shall be issued and valid for twelve months following the date of issuance.
Any license, unless revoked by the Board of County Commissioners may be renewed by filing an application identical to the original application for such license. Applications for renewal shall be filed annually, but not less than thirty days before the date the license expires.
No license or permit issued pursuant to this section shall be sold, assigned, or otherwise transferred.
Upon a determination by the Board of County Commissioners that any licensed entity has violated or failed to comply with any provisions of this Resolution, the Board may temporarily suspend for a period not to exceed thirty days, any license or permit issued. The licensed entity shall receive written notice of such temporary suspension, and a hearing shall be held no later than ten days after such temporary suspension. After such hearing, the Board may suspend any license for a portion of or for the remainder of its life. At the end of such period, the licensed entity whose license or permit was suspended, may apply for a new license or permit as in the case of the original application.
Upon second violation or failure to comply with any provision of this Resolution by any licensed entity, the Board of County Commissioners may permanently revoke such license.
Dated this 10th day of January, 2023
/s/ Donald Oswald
/s/ Michael Lening
/s/ Howard Robertson
Delisa L. Week
Clerk to theBoard