Kiowa County School District RE-1 Important Dates & Information
Important Dates and Information
Please call the Eads Medical Clinic, 438-2251, to set up an appointment for your student’s sports physical. The sports physical appointment can be made any day or time that the clinic has available for the special rate of $20. Reminder, physicals must be handed into the office or coaches the first week of school. Thank you
(Students are also welcome to receive his or her physical from any other medical clinic such as Wiley or Lamar, however please note a CHSAA physical form is required. Thank you)
Tuesday, August 2nd
5:30 p.m. Freshmen and New HS Student Orientation MP Room with Campus Tour Following
6:00 – 8:00 p.m. Pre-K thru 12th Registration at the HS Multi-Purpose Room
*HS parents, please make sure and bring your student(s) $50 laptop fee.
**We will also be collecting prepaid lunch money.
7:00 p.m. Athletic Meeting in the HS Gym
August 11th
August 25th K-12 OPEN HOUSE 6:00 – 8:00 p.m.
Ms. Jackie’s Email: jackie.rittgers@eadseagles.org
Please email me to begin receiving updated information, the daily Slew of News. Thank you...Ms. Jackie
*For those of you whom are still receiving information and your student is no longer enrolled in our school district, I apologize, please allow me time to delete your email address from my contacts. Thank you for your patience.