LCC Set to Honor Nursing Graduates in Pinning Ceremony
By Kristin Lubbers
Lamar Community College will hold its annual Nurse Pinning Friday, May 5. The ceremony will start 10:00 a.m. in the Wellness Center.
LCC will pin 31 from the Level I (Practical Nursing) and 23 from the Level II (Associate Degree in Nursing/Registered Nurse) programs. Two graduating students, Acacia Truitt and Tamela Williams, have been selected by their classmates to speak at the event.
The pinning ceremony is a time-honored nursing school tradition in which the students participate in the lighting of the Florence Nightingale Lamp. A registered nurse that the student has selected will place a special pin on his or her uniform while a fellow student reads a card of thanks that the graduate has prepared.
To reduce congestion during the ceremony, friends and family members are encouraged to take photos from their seats. Additionally, graduates and their families may choose to take photos before entering the building or after the ceremony has concluded.
A reception for graduates and their families will follow the celebration.
Family members who are unable to attend may also view the Nurse Pinning via live web streaming. A link will be available on the LCC website at www.lamarcc.edu/graduation.
Parking will be available in the Wellness Center parking lot. Overflow parking will be available in the large student parking lots north of Todd‐Burch Residence Hall, the Betz Technology Center, and the staff parking lot. No parking will be allowed in the borrow ditches west of the Wellness Center.