Latest Colorado Boards and Commissions Appointments
Automobile Theft Prevention Board
The Automobile Theft Prevention Board shall solicit and review applications for grants that assist in improving and supporting automobile theft prevention programs or programs for the enforcement or prosecution of automobile theft crimes through statewide planning and coordination.
for a term expiring February 1, 2028:
- Loren Milbrath of Thornton, Colorado, to serve as a representative of an insurance company authorized to issue motor vehicle insurance policies in Colorado, occasioned by the resignation of Amy Taylor of Evans, Colorado, appointed.
Board of Examiners of Nursing Home Administrators
The Board of Examiners of Nursing Home Administrators licenses nursing home operators and may conduct hearings to revoke, suspend, deny or reissue licenses.
effective July 2, 2023 for terms expiring July 1, 2027:
- Jarom Eberhard, NHA, MBA of Littleton, Colorado, to serve as a nursing home administrator/proprietary facility administrator, reappointed;
- Melodie Sedillo, NHA of Pueblo West, Colorado, to serve as a nursing home administrator/non-profit facility administrator, appointed.
Business Experiential Learning Commission
The Business Experiential-Learning Commission develops, evaluates and implements a systemic solution for integrated work-based education and training to meet the needs of Colorado’s economy. The Commission focuses on three main areas: engaging business involvement in educating and training students and workers in partnership with the State’s K-16 education system, workforce system and related civic agencies; creating a digital badging system to provide the opportunity for students, interns, apprentices and workers to document skills they have obtained in the workplace, and to share that information with the K-16 system to support curriculum development; and leveraging existing resources to create a portal of information to connect students, job-seekers, schools, employers and civic agencies with experiential learning, training opportunities and careers.
for a term expiring June 9, 2024:
- Karla Nugent of Lafayette, Colorado, to serve as a business member from the Colorado Workforce Development Council, occasioned by the resignation of Lawrence Wagner of Colorado Springs, Colorado, appointed.
Colorado Water Conservation Board
The Colorado Water Conservation Board was created in 1937 for the purpose of aiding in the protection and development of the waters of the state. The agency is responsible for water project planning and finance, stream and lake protection, flood hazard identification and mitigation, weather modification, river restoration, water conservation and drought planning, water information, and water supply protection.
for terms expiring February 12, 2027:
- Brad Wind of Loveland, Colorado, to serve as a representative of the South Platte Basin, appointed;
- John McClow of Gunnison, Colorado, to serve as a representative of the Gunnison-Uncompahgre Basin, appointed;
- Barbara Vasquez of Cowdrey, Colorado, to serve as a representative of the North Platte Basin, reappointed.
Community Access Enterprise Board
The Community Access Enterprise supports the widespread adoption of electric motor vehicles, equitably invests in transportation infrastructure, and incentivizes the acquisition and use of electric motor vehicles and electric alternatives to motor vehicles.
for a term expiring September 28, 2025:
- Paul Bony of Steamboat Springs, Colorado, to serve as a representative of a business or organization that supports electric alternatives to motor vehicles, occasioned by the resignation of Alice Laird of Carbondale, Colorado, appointed.
Community Corrections Advisory Board
The Community Corrections Advisory Council advises and assists the Division of Criminal Justice by analyzing, identifying and recommending policy modifications for the community corrections programs.
effective February 29, 2024 for terms expiring February 28, 2028:
- Leah Jackson of Colorado Springs, Colorado, appointed;
- Charlene Emory-Proctor of Denver, Colorado, appointed;
- Joseph Creel of Arvada, Colorado, to serve as Chairperson, appointed;
- Erick Javaneau of Pueblo, Colorado, appointed.
Executive Clemency Board
The Executive Clemency Board is to make advisory recommendations for executive clemency to the Governor. This includes advising the Governor on the screening of applications for persons who are requesting or petitioning the Governor for commutation of sentence or pardon.
for a term expiring October 17, 2027:
- Reuel Hunt of Thornton, Colorado, appointed.
Fire and Police Pension Association Board of Directors
The Fire and Police Pension Association is a local governmental unit that administers a state-wide pension plan for full-time paid police officers and firefighters.
for a term expiring September 1, 2027:
- William Clayton of Littleton, Colorado, to serve as a representative of special districts, appointed.
Judicial Nominating Commissions
There is a judicial district nominating commission for each of Colorado’s 22 judicial districts that select nominees for district and county judicial vacancies. Each district nominating commission is chaired by a justice of the Supreme Court, who is a non-voting member of the commission.
First Judicial District Nominating Commission
for a term expiring December 31, 2029:
- Stephen Cook of Littleton, Colorado, to serve as an attorney and member from Jefferson County, appointed.
Sixth Judicial District Nominating Commission
for a term expiring December 31, 2029:
- Maya Kane of Durango, Colorado, to serve as an attorney and member from La Plata County, appointed.
Thirteenth Judicial District Nominating Commission
for terms expiring December 31, 2029:
- Curtis Fix of Wray, Colorado, to serve as a non-attorney and member from Yuma County, appointed;
- Anna Scott of Julesburg, Colorado, to serve as a non-attorney and a member from Sedgwick County, appointed.
Sixteenth Judicial District Nominating Commission
for a term expiring December 31, 2029:
- Ashley Ferguson of La Junta, Colorado, to serve as an attorney and member from Otero County, appointed.
Juvenile Parole Board
The Colorado Juvenile Parole Board, one of six in the country, grants, denies, modifies, suspends or revokes parole for juvenile delinquents committed to the Department of Human Services.
for a term expiring November 15, 2025:
- Adrienne Benavidez of Denver, Colorado, to serve as a representative of the public, occasioned by the resignation of Bradford Geiger of Highlands Ranch, Colorado, appointed.
Natural Areas Council
The Colorado Natural Areas Council advises the Executive Director of the Department of Natural Resources on the administration of the Colorado Natural Areas Program and approves the registration and designation of natural areas by the Department of Natural Resources.
for a term expiring July 1, 2027:
- Steve Armstead of Berthoud, Colorado, to serve as a representative interested in the preservation of natural areas, appointed.
Nurse Physician Advisory Task Force
The Nurse Physician Advisory Task Force, housed within the Division of Registrations in the Department of Regulatory Agencies, was established to promote public safety and improve health care in Colorado by supporting collaboration and communication between the practices of nursing and medicine.
for terms expiring September 11, 2026:
- Dr. Mesha Gay Brown of Denver, Colorado, to serve as a physician and representative of a statewide physicians’ organization, reappointed;
- Dr. Renee King, MPH, of Denver, Colorado, to serve as a physician and representative of a statewide professional physicians’ organization, reappointed;
- Rosario Medina of Centennial, Colorado, to serve as a representative of and recommended by a statewide professional nursing organization, reappointed;
- Shannon Saviers of Castle Rock, Colorado, to serve as a representative of consumers, appointed;
- Michael Moore, MSN, of Denver, Colorado, to serve as a representative of and recommended by a professional nursing organization, appointed.
State Apprenticeship Council
The State Apprenticeship Council shall oversee registered apprenticeship programs for the building and construction trades in the state, including resolving conflicts and complaints, reviewing program performance, developing administrative policies that ensure the safety
and quality of registered apprenticeship programs, and advising the State Apprenticeship Agency on apprenticeship program standards, in compliance with federal law.
for a term expiring February 18, 2025:
- Marie Pecoraro of Lafayette, Colorado, to serve as a member with experience in economic development, occasioned by the resignation of Kayla Shock of Denver, Colorado, appointed;
for a term expiring February 18, 2026:
- Tracy Mead of Fort Collins, Colorado, to serve as a member of the Colorado Workforce Development Council, occasioned by the resignation of Joshua Cody of Alamosa, Colorado, appointed.
State Board of Optometry
The State Board of Optometry sets rules and regulations for administering examinations and conducts hearings to revoke, suspend, deny or reissue licenses.
for terms expiring April 15, 2028:
- Charles Philpy, OD, of Lamar, Colorado, to serve as an optometrist, appointed;
- Rachel DeDeyn of Denver, Colorado, to serve as a public member, appointed;
- Rupa Patel, OD, of Denver, Colorado, to serve as an optometrist, reappointed.
State Board of Parole
The State Board of Parole holds hearings and considers applications for parole, and conducts all proceedings involving revocation of parole.
for a term expiring June 30, 2026:
- Catherine Rodriguez of Denver, Colorado, to serve as a citizen member, occasioned by the resignation of Dr. Davis Talley of Aurora, Colorado, appointed.
State Housing Board
The State Housing Board works to establish uniform construction and maintenance standards for hotels, motels, multiple dwellings and factory-built housing. The Board also develops for submission to the general assembly and units of local government recommendations for uniform housing standards and building codes.
for a term expiring January 31, 2028:
- LaDawn Sperling of Lakewood, Colorado to serve as a Republican and resident of the Seventh Congressional District, reappointed.
Towing Task Force
The Towing Task Force was established in 2014 to make recommendations to the Colorado Public Utilities Commission. It also advises the Commission concerning investigations of overcharges made by towing carriers.
for terms expiring December 30, 2027:
- Jennifer Henson of Grand Junction, Colorado, to serve as a representative of nonconsensual towing carriers, appointed;
- Edward Schoenheit of Colorado Springs, Colorado, to serve as a representative of common interest communities, appointed;
- John Connolly of Brighton, Colorado, to serve as a representative of a towing association within the state with experience in consensual towing, reappointed;
- Dr. Michael Peirce of Boulder, Colorado, to serve as a representative of mobile home owners in the state, reappointed;
- Nathan Riley of Lakewood, Colorado, to serve as a representative of the Public Utilities Commission, reappointed.
Workforce Development Council
The Council consists of representatives of the business community and state agencies. The Council, in consultation with the business community and state agencies, shall advise the Governor on matters regarding the employment and training needs of the state and on workforce development plans and strategy.
for a term expiring on September 28, 2025:
- Anthony Lugard of Montrose, Colorado, to serve as a representative of business, occasioned by the resignation of Danielle Kirkpatrick of Durango, Colorado, appointed