Letter to the Editor - Sheriff Bryan Williams: 1 Year Later
I would like to start off by once again thanking the Citizens of Kiowa County for electing me to serve as your Sheriff.
So much has happened during this first year in office and I appreciate the handshakes and gratitude for a job well done.
I would like to say that in the beginning we were certainly left with a clean slate. I had the makings of an extremely professional office which included Office Deputy Jo Liebl, Undersheriff Jacob Marlow, (who was on light duty), Deputy Avery Snover, Courthouse Security Darrel Hollis, and myself.
All our team members were running 100 different directions. Deputy Snover and I were the only ones on call for a few months before Undersheriff Marlow was released from light duty. We were short staffed, but everyone pulled together to get my administration up and running.
I went into the Office to be a working Sheriff, continuing to take calls while handling administrative duties. We have since added more deputies to the roster: Deputy Webster Hogue, Deputy William Chappell, and Deputy Josh Robertson
I was able to obtain raises both last year and this year for all our team members, which brings their wages closer to those in the surrounding counties. This will help with our employee retention.
Our core values include promoting teamwork and team values. We are a small department, but we accomplish a lot because the team always pulls together and gets the work done.
I am thankful for all the team members in the Kiowa County Sheriff’s Office. All our team members have training in many fields that all complement the vision I have for the department. I appreciate each and every member of the Kiowa County Sheriff’s Office and the work they do.
The first year in office as your Sheriff has been great and I am looking forward to what this year brings!
Kiowa County Sheriff
Bryan Williams