Letter to the Editor - State Senate candidate seeks support
I am grateful for the support of term-limited Republican Senator Larry Crowder and for the opportunity to run for the seat he will vacate. I am a native Coloradoan who is passionate about the values and way of life of our rural communities. The people of rural Colorado inspire me to do more for my community and state. Keeping rural Colorado prosperous, relevant and resilient is my focus and I am committed to everyone in the Arkansas Valley, the Wet Mountain Valley, the Southern Front Range and the San Luis Valley.
I was raised on a farm/ranch in the San Luis Valley. I graduated from Colorado School of Mines with a Bachelor of Science degree in mine engineering. I was a Governor-appointed (Hickenlooper and Polis) trustee of Adams State University from 2015-2020 and served 2 years as Chairman. In March the Denver Business Journal in cooperation with Colorado Farm Bureau recognized me as one of the Who’s Who is Agriculture in 2020. Along with managing my family farm (with an abundance of assistance from my family), I serve as general manager, chief operating manager and administrative officer of the Rio Grande Water Conservation District. My various work and life experiences have shaped me into a highly effective leader. I am confident and well prepared to serve all the constituents of Senate District 35.
Effective legislators are great listeners who work tirelessly to build relationships with stakeholders. My current roles have helped me to already establish a great number of these vitally important relationships within the Senate district, at the state capital and with federal agencies.
How the state deals with unprecedented development and growth on the Front Range and the potential negative impacts it can have on rural Colorado and our way of life are paramount to me. Couple accelerated growth with dwindling water supplies across the state and without effective leadership rural Colorado will end up bearing the brunt of the burden to support that growth. Through that lens, the areas of my focus will be; Vibrant Agricultural Economies, more Equitable Funding for Education, Quality Affordable Healthcare, Economic Development and getting back on track post COVID19 to name just a few.
I would be honored to have your vote on November 3 and am forever mindful of who I would be working for, the constituents of Senate District 35. Please visit SimpsonforSenate35.com for more information about my unique qualifications and vision for rural Colorado.
Cleave Simpson