Notice - Vacancy Committee Meeting
Kiowa County Courthouse in Eads, Colorado. © Chris Sorensen
Colorado Constitution, Article XIV, Section 9, Vacancy Is Required To Be Filled Within 10 Days Upon The Occurrence Of The Vacancy
The leadership of the Kiowa County Republican Party extends sympathy to the family of County Commissioner District 1, Richard “Dick” Scott. He served the position with honor and it is now our unfortunate duty to replace him as commissioner.
According to the Colorado Constitution, Article XIV, Section 9, this vacancy is required to be filled within 10 days upon the occurrence of the vacancy. Per state bylaws, this meeting must take place in person with no proxies allowed. A quorum will require ½ of committee membership in attendance, or 6 of the 11 members of the committee. As such, this meeting of the Kiowa County Republican Vacancy Committee will take place:
- Tuesday, December 1, 2020
- 7:00 pm
- Methodist Church basement, 110 E. 11th, Eads, Colorado. Please enter through the west door and proceed straight down the steps to the basement meeting area.
While this meeting is open to the public, please remember that only committee members will be allowed to participate.
Know that we will keep the Scott family in our thoughts and prayers during this time of loss, a sentiment felt across the county.