PROMO Community - Pages from the Past Front Page - Chris Sorensen

Pages from the Past - From the 137-year history of the Kiowa County Press - September 22, 2024

Kiowa County Press historic front page.

15 Years Ago - September 18, 2009

  • A lot of family gatherings were taking place this past weekend with the Kiowa County Fair also happening.
  • Wild Horse Roundup- Curtis Schrimp: Things got sticky for Marty. One of her calves got a little nosy and stuck it on a porcupine. She got them out before I could get there to help.

25 Years Ago - September 17, 1999

  • Kiowa County Junior Livestock sale totaled $45,945 on 65 head of livestock plus eight on poultry and rabbit consignment
  • Wild Horse Roundup- Curtis Schrimp: I just turned on the news and they said there is a danger of frost tonight.

40 Years Ago - September 21, 1984

  • Gov Lamm presented Burl and Cathy Scherler with a certificate recognizing their dedication to water and soil conservation.
  • Temple & Esgar Inc expanded area elevator operation by purchasing the Cheyenne County Co-op Grain & Fertilizer in Cheyenne Wells, and the County Grain Storage in Arapaho.

100 Years Ago - September19, 1924

  • Harold Hutchison, owner of the First State Bank of Brandon, sold his interest in the bank to W.J. McNeil of Searsboro, Iowa.
  • The oil well drilling southeast of Holly has drilled down 1,300 feet and have stopped to put in more casing.
  • Sheridan Lake: Our people turned out in numbers to the County Fair in Eads, and all reports say it’s the best the county ever had. Sheridan Lake brought home a number of prizes
  • The Missouri Pacific has put in an excursion rate for the State Fair. Round trip from Eads will be $5.35