
Pages from the Past - From our 131-year Archives
Kiowa County Press historic front page.
15 Years Ago
April 25, 2003
- About Town-Ida Lessenden: It was drizzling rain most of the day. When we drove to the west end, glad to see the prairie greening up. It was windy most of the week & I have seen many neighbors dragging broken branches out of their yards.
- Eads Police Report-Officer Chad Ray: The highway from 15th and Luther was closed temporarily due to high wind, which damaged a power pole during the early hours.
- Wild Horse Roundup-Curtis Schrimp: I got to see a pretty good rain today. The only problem it was at Coors Field, as I was watching the Rockies.
25 Years Ago
April 28, 1993
- Rachel A. Davis, daughter of Gary & Cheryl Davis, has received a number of honors this spring. Most recent, she was awarded second place in the Junior High Poetry Creative Writing Competitions at Arkansas Valley Arts Festival.
- The Eads Senior Citizens enjoyed a bountiful ham dinner. What an assortment of pies. Dan Garner is always on hand to help with all that dishwashing.
40 Years Ago
April 28, 1978
- The RE-1 board voted to approve a one-year contract with Rocky Mountain Data Processing Co, to handle by computer such functions as figuring class schedules, running total of absences, figuring grade point avg. & others.
- Sparkling in their new uniforms, the Plainview Junior & High School Bands performed a community concert.
- Potpourri-Nick Johnson: Note from Doris Lessenden following the Eads H.S. student council elections: “Political parties, take note. You have some young people gaining political expertise. They could be a great asset to your party in the future.”
- Anyone having used clothing & things Goodwill can use please bring it to the north entrance to the courthouse. Do not leave anything outside. Things may be left by the library door.
- Eads: C.A. Wood writes he is moving to his summer headquarters in Klamath CA. He uses a bike for local travel and has logged 1,100 miles this winter. Pretty good for a young fellow of 82.
50 Years Ago
April 26, 1968
- Ralph Berry, 8th grade student at Eads Elementary, will represent Kiowa County in the Colorado-Wyoming Spelling Bee in Denver.
- Christine Brenton of Eads and Susan Crum of Plainview, have been chosen as delegates to Columbine Girls State held at Temple Buell College.
- Fast Construction Co. of Greeley arrived to start widening Highway 96 between Haswell and Arlington.