
Pages from the Past - From our 132-year Archives
Kiowa County Press historic front page.
15 Years Ago
March 19, 2004
- Staff and customers honored Verna Ebright for 25 years of banking service. Ebright began her career Mar 12, 1979, with the First National Bank in Eads, which is now Valley State Bank.
- Students in the Drama Club have been practicing and building their sets for their performance “The Beauty and The Beast” at the Crow-Luther Arts Center.
- Wild Horse Roundup-Curtis Schrimp: I think the tulips are getting ahead of themselves as we have quite a few showing up.
25 Years Ago
March 25, 1994
- Towner Tales-Ann Harkness: Even though we received at least 5 inches of snow a couple of weeks ago, low humidity and dry warm temps quickly dried the topsoil once again. A “roller” of dirt quickly spread through the area Thursday afternoon.
- We would like to thank everyone who participated in our chili cook-offand those who stopped by to help us celebrate our first-year anniversary as owners of the County Seat. Winners: 1. John and Mike Davisson 2. Mike Davisson 3. Janet Frederick
40 Years Ago
March 23, 1979
- Weisbrod Memorial County Hospital has been presented the American Hospital Association’s Certificate of Recognition acknowledging efforts to more effectively monitor cost and productivity.
- A house north of Galatea was entered sometime the past three weeks and furnishings removed. Removed were a forced air furnace, duct work, kitchen sink and cabinets.
50 Years Ago
March 21, 1969
- About 75 members and friends of the local SRGB Post and Auxiliary of American Legion gathered at the Legion building to observe the 50thanniversary of the founding of the American Legion.
- Towner News: Several Boy Scouts went on a camping trip north of Towner.