
Pages from the Past - From our 133-year Archives
Kiowa County Press historic front page.
15 Year Ago
December 9, 2005
- Plains Network Services has a donation collection container to accept funds form Kiowa County residents for the community of Waveland, Mississippi, that suffered heavy damage from Hurricane Katrina.
- Plainview Elementary students participated in St. Jude’s Children’s Hospital Math-a-thon, collecting $873.80
- Wild Horse Roundup- Curtis Schrimp: Well we had something a little different this morning, about two inches of snow.
25 Years Ago
December 8, 1995
- East End Events- Plainview Sixth Grade: The local Kiowa County Christmas Cantata will be performing “Night of Miracles at the United Methodist Church.
- East End Events- Plainview Sixth Grade: Deer season has started throughout Colorado. Bret and Than Harkness have already got a deer. Monte Stum has shot a deer also.
- Nursing Home News- Nellie Nickert: Tina took a van load of residents for a shopping tour at Lamar.
40 Years Ago
December 5, 1980
- If current projections stand up, Colorado in 1981 will face its most severe grasshopper problem in more than two decades.
- Cindy Berry was one of four chosen as eligible for the Make it with Wool state completion. Shelly Mayo of Chivington received Honorable Mention.
50 Years Ago
December 4, 1970
- Due to a mix-up with the film company and the delivery agent, the free movie intended for showing last week did not materialize. However, we have been assured the film will be here for this week’s showing.
75 Years Ago
November 30, 1945
- Mr. & Mrs. C.J. Wagner recently disposed of their farm near Towner, which Mrs. Wagner’s father homesteaded over 50 years ago. Otto Budde is the new owner.
100 Years Ago
November 26, 1920
- An organizer, Mr. Peterson by name, was here the past week to aid the farmers of this section in organizing a branch of the Farmers Equity Union.
Eads is still on the boom and the building operations stop only when weather or lack of building material prohibits work. There are a number of business blocks and residences in process of construction or soon to be started.