
Pages from the Past - From our 134-year Archives for July 25, 2021
Kiowa County Press historic front page.
15 Year Ago
July 28, 2006
- The beautiful Prairie Pines Assisted Living now has three residents. Prairie Pines opened this past June.
- About Town- Melissa Peterson & Doris Lessenden: Eads Senior Citizen Center president Max Owens thought they would have lots of fried chicken left over from the potluck. But at the last minute a great group came in after trying the new voting machines and there wasn’t a drumstick left!
- A new fraud called “Vishing” has emerged. People are randomly phoned by automated system saying their credit card had been used illegally. This is a spin-off of the fraud called “Phishing” whereby a con artist sends an e-mail representing someone else.
25 Years Ago
July 26, 1996
- The District Attorney’s office has had it brought to its attention that a “gift club” has been operating in the area. It is their opinion this is a pyramid scheme.
- Brandy Shalberg and Veronica Geist were Senior Division Champion and Reserve Champion, respectively, at the District 4-H show in Lamar.
- The Lamar Airport was the sight of a display of a B24 and B17 Bomber. The two planes called the All-American and the Nine-O-Nine are part of the Collings Foundation.
40 Years Ago
July 24, 1981
- The Kiowa County Road Department. has had several complaints about sections of county roads being damaged by farm machinery.
- Young cowboys and cowgirls will be competing in a three-day franchised Little Britches Rodeo at the Kiowa County Fairgrounds.
- Dance: Sponsored by the Haswell Roping Club. Music by Valley Riders. At the Haswell Booster Hall.
- From the Sheriff Desk- Floyd Griswould: On a routine trip to the underpass to see if it was flooding, we found a semi going up the down ramp the wrong way with traffic piled up on both ends.
50 Years Ago
July 30, 1971
Kiowa County residents who own horses are asked to contact the Extension Office report the number, type, breed, registered or grade they own. It’s part of the USDA program to confined and eradicate “Venezuelan Equine Encephalomyelitis.