
Pages from the Past - From our 136-year Archives for March 5, 2023
Kiowa County Press historic front page.
15 Years Ago
February 29, 2008
- The American Legion Hall has been placed on the National Register of Historic Places. Local workers constructed the building between 1937 and 1938 under the Works Progress Administration (WPA)
- Chapter 124 of the Colorado WIFE sponsored an informational meeting for the public on the financial problems Kiowa County is currently facing.
25 Years Ago
February 27, 1998
- The new drive up window at Valley State Bank in Eads is now open. According to VP Mike Lening, 20 to 25 customers used the window during the first day.
40 Years Ago
March 4, 1983
- Kiowa County receive $50,000 from National Special Project to be used to demonstrate the effectiveness of stubble management on summer fallow cropland to prevent erosion and conserve moisture.
- The First Baptist Church held official ground breaking ceremonies after Sunday Worship.
- Nursing Home News- La Verne Fischer: Cecil Hollis has peddled over 1,250 miles on his stationary bicycle since the first of the year.
50 Years Ago
March 2, 1973
- A bill has been introduced in the Colorado General Assemble designed to increase the pay of Colorado county commissioners, sheriffs, county clerks, treasurers and assessors.
75 Years Ago
March 5, 1948
- One of the best snows of the season fell, covering the ground to a depth of about a foot, and had 0.80 inches in moisture content.
100 Years Ago
March 2, 1923
- Reports from a number who have been in the east end of the county near Brandon that there is an unprecedented number of geese this year. Some report as many as 25,000 in this neighborhood.
- Special for Saturday: a loaf of free bread with every 50 cents purchased at Eads Bakery