Prairie Pines outdoor visitation guidelines
- All family visits must be scheduled in advance.
- Families have been asked to call 719-438-2141 to schedule family visits
- Visiting Hours: 9:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.; 2:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.; 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. daily
- Red notebook labeled “Family Visits” with form, in Team office to document requested visits.
- When scheduling appointment reiterate with family, to self-screen on the day of visit, requiring of social distancing and mask wearing will be enforced. If they have symptoms scheduled visit will be cancelled.
- Instruct the person scheduling visit to call 719-438-2141 upon arrival and a team member will greet them outside at the front entrance to screen prior to contact with resident.
- Team will:
- perform temperature check
- Symptom screening in accordance with current CDC guidelines. Visitors with symptoms or with symptoms in the previous 14 days should not be allowed to visit.
- Ensure the visitor has a face mask or cloth covering, and is wearing it appropriately.
- Collect and verify name and contact information of the visitor for the purposes contact tracing.
- Give visitor brochure with information on COVID-19 and how the spread of the virus is minimized.
- Escort the visitor to the designated outdoor visiting area.
- Escort the visitor out of the designated visiting area at the conclusion of the visit through the same path they arrived.
- The resident must have been screened on the day of the scheduled visit, prior to the visit occurring.
- The separate designated meeting area should be isolated. Ensure that residents not participating in visits continue to have access to separate outdoor space.
- The designated outdoor area must be monitored to ensure it remains separated from other residents and team members.
- The number of visitors will be determined by the space available.
- Gazebo: Up to 4 total – 2 on bench 1 in each chair spaced 6 feet apart. Ideal would be 3 people max.
- Gazebo Nook: 1 at end of table – 1 to 3 at other end
- West Pool side: 5 to 8 at six feet apart
- Furniture used for external visits should be appropriately disinfected between visits.
- The visitor must wear a face mask or covering for the duration of the visit.
- Residents should be encouraged to wear a mask or cloth covering during the visit.
- Be mindful of ensuring the resident has sufficient hydration and doesn’t stay outside in the heat for a long period of time.
Visitation may not occur on the premises if:
- The resident has symptoms of COVID_19.
- The resident is in isolation or quarantine.
- Prairie Pines has an active outbreak.
- Prairie Pines has a recent COVID-19 case or outbreak and has not completed the required isolation period of 14 days.
- Kiowa County or the city of Eads is under the Stay-at home orders related to COVID-19.
- Statewide restrictions are implemented due to increased cases of COVID-19.